Thursday, December 22, 2011

I am such a lucky bunny

     I really have no blog tonight, just that I feel really good. Those goodies I said I ate, I have no regrets that I did. I ate them and they were good. I am not going to go backwards as I've put too much into this and as I have said MANY times I have goals! LOL  I am not stupid though and I am back on track. Christmas day will be at home so I can cook and monitor our holiday feast for two. Hubby and I will have a lovely candlelight dinner, wine and good food. No carbs but thats not a problem. The Eve we will be at my in-laws. I'm hoping my hubby is up to going to the Christmas pagent my niece is in, if not we will have dinner and we were invited to stay for Christmas morning, I will speak to hubby about that as well. They are our only family here and they mean very much to me.  Hubs and I are going light on gifts, I mean we are not penny pinching but I easily could spend over 500 bucks on him but we are buying a new refridgerator right after and also a new bed so taking that into consideration when we think prezzies the cap goes down. STILL waiting for that bracelet from Tiffany's - LOL, it's almost a joke at this point, kind of like Susan Lucci winning the soap opera award that she finally did after 19 years!  He surprised me a few months back and that was SO special I still smile so wide when I use my Kindle Fire :-D. He is a dear man and I wish I could take all his pain away, we've been having lovely nights and I enjoy talking with him. We even shut the TV and computers so it was just us relaxing and talking, haven't done that in a while and it was great!!
     He did surprise me, as my computer at home, the desktop one, once again died!! Now I was in the middle of working on it and boom screen goes dark! WTF?? Well he inspected it (one GREAT thing about having a tech guy in da house!!) and he said the hard drive should be fine so he brought me home a computer he had at work, same as the one I have and is going to switch out the hard drives. YAY! So watch out I will be back playing bejeweled in no time, although I suck at it!! LOL

     A few random thoughts went through my head today (NO they didn't die from loneliness!! )  Like isn't nature great? Here we have the first day of winter and the weather has been so mild, and why is there a permanent press setting on the iron?  Things like that! hehe    I am here at my desk, it's quiet and I am taking ten to do my blog. I dont really take full lunch hours or breaks and rarely leave my desk so I occasionally will do it this way and go here or facebook or what have you. I dont like leaving my reps with no one to go to and I don't smoke so I dont go for breaks for that as does the other supervisor. So you all are my smoke break! LMAO
 Well, I am leaving you with a pic that a dear friend took for me. Again it means something to me as he thought of me at the time and it's nice to be thought of, and well I always think of my friends and get little things for them when I do, or call, or email (usually way too many times  HAHAHA)  So enjoy the photo (10PM - WAIT DON'T GO -I ADDED AFTER THE PIC JUST NOW LOL)

   Well HI I'm back with something else funny I thought of. hehehe  Yes I may be in an altered state, why do you  Well earlier tonight I ate an orange and my hubs drank a glass of vodka. I leaned over to kiss him and started to laugh, he asked what? I told him together we made a screwdriver!! hahahaha  Okay NOW Ciao for Now  :-)

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