Friday, December 30, 2011

From my phone - that's where I'm writing this!

Well it's almost 1am and I can't sleep. My latest temp is 101.4 and I just feel achy. Hubby has decided he is not going to work tomorrow but is taking Friday off took after me and I appreciate it very much. I just feel drained and I'm sure I'll be right as rain to do g in the new year :-).
I also feel a bit stupid. I just can't fuckin know when to stop! Always. Een a problem for me. All is good then I just push one more teeny bit and BAM too far! Like today I did that on the phone with a dear friend, I mean I had a good call but I pushed a point that we tease about and I have fun with it but I think sometimes I overstep my parameters in that I tend to latch on where I have no right latching. I also over think things I know shocking right?! Haha He understands me though, more than I do sometimes so he knows I'm a daft bunny at times. All I can say is any doubt just read the letter!(inside comment Between friends)
I've always been good at writing down how I feel since my tongue gets to big to fit my mouth and my words just don't sound right sometimes. Whew that's been on my chest for the entire day. Felt good to get it out.
Ugh I hate feeling icky. I always want the same thing when I feel like this. Tomato soup & crackers. Tea for warmth and something cold to drink also. I also want a cookie to go with the tea. Nothing overly sweet, perhaps a shortbread or a digestive My I'm sick food list, jeez I'm a dork haha.
I was on the kindle just now, re-reading a favorite book called "The Mists Of Avalon" it's basically King Arthur's tale told from a woman's point of view. Very Goddess oriented and I just love it. I love to read and wouldove to get suggestions. I always ask you all to give me ideas but no one ever does. Come on, I don't bite (much) lol
Well peeps I think I may be sleepy enough to konk out so I rest here. Have a fab Friday and as always ciao for now

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