Friday, December 2, 2011

One Hour and Fifteen Minutes.....

     .....That's when my weekend starts LOL   Husband was home today so I am bringing Chinese food home tonight for dinner. He is having Kung Pao and I'm being good with my steamed chicken and veggies no rice. It actually is a nice change from all the bunny food I eat during the week here at work.  It's been a good week and I hope all of you can say the same. Not too busy a weekend planned. I have a hair appointment in the AM then Hubs and I go for eye exams and new glasses. I like the ones I have but my vision has changed I can tell. Still only need for reading though so yea for that. The rest of the day will consist of making my special Christmas cards. I am so excited to get these going as I have a really cool card mapped out in my head. Now to bring it to fruition is another story but we shall see. Glitz this year and not too many Christmas colors, meaning red & green. Lots of green yes but rose pinks and blues & silver too.
     Speaking of Christmas we have started decorating the office. My manager has a nice size "Open" office and there is lighted garland all around it and a big wreath, my old little tree is in there too on the talk table, and I put lights around my cubicle, and added more balls to my tree and a few Christmas pals. I made little gifts to go under it, looks cute. Will go around my monitors (I have 2) with small garland and add a few more things Monday.  Our tree is also coming together but it needs more balls and tinsel. Here are a few pics ---

     My new coat arrived and I am very pleased. I orderd online so it's always hit or miss but this was a hit this time. I can't wait to go home and try on my new blouses and my new chemise. It's black with lace and real feminine and I will admit, sexy. I love it. I find my self buying and looking at clothes differently. I have a pair of thigh high stockings that fit me and as I'm losing they are fitting better and better. I can't wait until I can wear a belt. I mean I can now but okay I am a realist as well and as much as I may want to wear one;  right now I may well look like a cute short watermelon with a belt on ..just not working for me yet!! It will though, one day in the future! LOL
     I am enjoying my new Iphone greatly. Lots of cool features and I love that my itunes are all on here also. I am determined to meet this New Year with a smile on my face and peace in my heart and love in my life. Because with those I can do anything I want. I am so fortunate to have the support I do.
     I was told a really good chicken recipe too today by my manager that I will pass on to you: 
take a little butter (I imagine pure olive oil would work - about a tablespoon) then saute garlic in it in a pan. Season the chicken while the garlic is browning, then pan cook the chicken and when it's almost done just sprinkle a little of brown sugar over the chicken.  Sounds interesting  and may try it ovet the weekend. Will let you know how it turns out.   Well lovlies  I'm signing off as there really is nothing earth shattering going on. peace out and ciao for now, this bird has flown!!

1 comment:

  1. When you say stockings do you mean pop socks for most people ?? LOL
