Sunday, November 25, 2012

Let The Holidays Begin

     It's almost midnight and I find myself wide awake. My mind is very active at the moment. I've been my usual crazy nutter to friends these last few weeks but it's me. I try to curb it and mean no harm and my friends know I love them, hell I say it ad nasuem LOL I am talking about other kinds of active thoughts. 
     I had an offer to do a photo shoot for someone who is on another site, he is a legit photographer, but as we talked more it became evident that besides the pin up, and glamour shots that I had in mind, he on the other had more erotic shots in mind. Look I am no prude, heavens know this, but I prefer to have those shots for special eyes, not a photographer I met online. One that no one else I speak with has ever been photographed by even. Erotic is okay too but he was discussing more than erotic and I don't think he would have pushed the issue but it was not comfortable for me. I especially don't think that hubs would approve that type of pic. I also need to get back on track as I am a bit ashamed of myself for letting my aches and pains be an excuse for me to not move more. I have about 9 months to be very mobile as it is then I will be on a plane headed to England. I have already been told I will be walking a lot and I promised to be able to keep up and I mean to keep that promise. I am happy to report that even with the girls weekend, my scale once again has moved in the proper direction. We made it through Thanksgiving with minimum bad calories. Bro made a delicious turkey, I had a little stuffing and green bean casserole, cranberry jelly, butternut squash and they made the sweet potatoes just cut and seasoned and roasted, they were lovely and not laden down with sugar and marshmallows as they often can be if you look at all the recipes. Did give in to the weakness of pumpkin pie, but its gone and no more has been bought and or made. We stayed quite awhile at the in-laws and had a great time. 
     My thoughts have been on holiday shopping and I have accomplished my goal almost 100% I even have all the gifts I need to ship out ordered, just need to wait for everything to arrive. Bought myself a new casual coat as well, as I needed a new one. Got myself that and new snow boots. Wanted Timberlands but i had to watch the pennies so I got a nice off brand that will work just fine. I used discount codes and all in all did quite well money wise. Of course my hubby is the hardest for me to get for. He doesn't wear jewelry, nor scent (skin to sensitive) and he loves computers. All that adds up to me having a hard time to buy anything other than small things like tee shirts or little knick knacks for the office, which he likes a lot but it's not the only thing I want to get him, know what I mean? 
     I also have charities in my mind this year more than others. There are some I donate to all the time, like breast cancer and ASPCA (for animals) but this year with Hurricane Sandy hitting NY/NJ so badly it really brought home what is important. I am donating to several places in the actual areas hit, I am donating to food pantries and the like. They are saying clothes are being donated but they need things like toiletries and diapers. So I am going to the drugstore tomorrow and buying the staples that we all have but you don't think about. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, canned foods, brushes, if you think about it some people lost their entire homes, and stupid things like those aren't that silly when you don't have them. Diapers will also be bought to donate. I see that as things get back to normal it's easy to forget that for many it still isn't it. 
     Also the year is winding down and soon it will be a new beginning yet again, no matter what those Mayans say LOL Another year that I can say I did not nearly enough and that makes me sad and frustrated. I only have myself to blame for that but I dream of a year when at the last day, the day I cross off Dec. 31st in red on the calender I can think back and say I have accomplished all I set out for for the year. Has anyone ever done that? I don't mean unrealistic New Year's resolutions either. If you have I would be very curious to hear about it. To my friends that I pester left and right, have I done all I could have by you. have I been a good friend or did I lack in some things? You know we never see things as others do and I guess I need some validation of sorts. No I'm not feeling needy LOL I want to learn if I'm in error anywhere so I do not repeat it. 
     I got all my dad's Christmas cards written out, he's getting on in years and when my Mother died I kind of took over the job for him. I don't mind as I put on Christmas music, have a drink (or two hehe) and write them out. Next weekend I must make mine. I have finally decided what I'm going to do and since today was Small Shopping Saturday (not buying in huge stores but local stores to support local small businesses) I went to my stamping store and bought paper and embellishments and glitter, etc. so I am all ready to assemble, cut, and watercolor my cards :-D 
    Well peeps it's half midnight and I am going to finish my drink (hot buttered rum - my third lol) and go to sleep, so until next time Ciao for Now

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