Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Crazy Day

     Stick a fork in me I AM DONE!!! It's only 6:40 PM and we have already taken over 1500 calls today. This morning we had 87 calls in cue!! Tomorrow is the last day, so of course everyone waited to enroll and ask questions then get angry that they have to wait upwards of an hour until they get through.  I got so busy that myself and the other supervisor were taking phone calls. Like the old days. I haven't been on the phones for almost 2 years and I actually forgot how to log in! HAHAHA  One of the calls I took was over an hour long, I was ready to scream when we got through!! If you have so many questions and issues, why are you calling the day before it closes when you had 4 weeks to make your choices. Oh it was funny, I had to call an employee back to let him know his issue was fixed and he didnt pick up, I asked for him, and I heard in the distance someone yelling for him to come to the phone that there was a sexy sounding woman calling for him.  BWAHAHAAHAHA. I hate my voice, so it always sounds odd to me when someone says it. Then again I used to work at a sex hotline taking "Those" kind of calls. Although I don't think my voice mattered as much as what I was saying. What can I say I have a great imagination & give good phone - whoot whoot!  LMAO
     We still have 20 calls in cue now, and we close at 8PM. Told hubs bring food home for himself, as I am not sure what time I will be leaving tonight. It's been a brutal open enrollment this year as all 60K+ employees must go in. I had a slice of pizza today that is it, several cups of tea as well and none of that is sitting well. My manager has yogurt that I can have and I may take her up on that as I am not going to eat at 9PM because I will be crashing as soon as I get home!!
    I will say though peeps I am feeling mentally more like myself, physically I am still under par. I look tired and I have to monitor my breathing still. But, knock wood, it also seems to be improving. I have been using the inhaler they gave me
every morning and night and I am not gasping for air at night anymore, so this is good news. I don't enjoy being sick. Hubs is sick now and several freinds are and everyone at work is hacking and sneezing so I guess it was inevitable.  The mental part though is good, as the song says "I get by with a little help from my friends" I am so looking forward to seeing some of them this weekend.  I'm trying guys i really am!!!
    Speaking of friends, one of them found out that she was laid off. I feel so bad for her. She is a great lady and doesn't deserve the crap she's getting. I wish I could help her more than just being the ear but I will help anyway I can. Another friend is going to Hong Kong on business and I know he will have a great time. I'm very happy for him as I know he's wanted to go now for several years. I can't wait to go to England and i will finally have a passport. I have never been outside of the United States other than Mexico, when I was in California but that is just showing your drivers license. Well was all those years ago. It was a blast too, lots of tequilla, good street food, music playing at the cafe and cheesy tourist things. I loved it!! I want to travel the globe and NOT the theater. Take that back, I want to go there too!! I would love to see a play there. Midsummers Night Dream or Twelth Night, my two favorite plays by Shakespeare. Bet you thought I'd say Macbeth, witch that I am ;-)  lol
    Dare I jinx it? It looks like our cue is now in single digits, not for long I'm sure. I have written the calories for my slice of pizza and I am way below what I should have and there was a carb crust. Its not many calories but as always for me it's the carbs. I spent the night writing down my shopping list for work next week. I need to start eating dinner here again, as eating too late is not great either if you go to sleep right after or shortly after. I promised my friend that I will be able to keep up exploring all the places he is going to take me in England, and I'm sure his girls will keep me on my toes as well. LOL I must be up to snuff, hell I promised!!
    Well peeps I am going now, and am grateful for the employees who have been working through lunch and working late, they rock!! I mean our average daily phone calls this week have been about 1500 to 1700 calls a day!!! woof!! lmao
So as always I am ending with Ciao For Now

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