Sunday, February 1, 2015

Imbolc Is Almost Here.

     Being sick these last few days have given me the chance to re read my old Book Of Shadows (& Light) Old Imbolc, chants and lore, rituals and yes even foods. This holiday is one of crossed paths. Some call it Candlemas, others the feast if St. Brigid. Others simply call it Groundhog Day. I have been to Pennsylvania, I went to the groundhog ball, yes it's a real thing. No, it's not like the movie. LOL It is a very friendly town, and I met some great people in my short visit. Met a group of people at "the ball". One guy was very interesting, he was a teacher at a high school in Ohio. We clicked and the conversation was lively and we had great debates on different subjects. He taught literature, he was very interesting, had a great sense of humor and was in fact quite good looking. I was surprised actually he hung around for the entire ball. My friend was with the group at the table but he and I wandered around, danced a bit (great band actually) then we found a table near the bar where we could actually hear each other. LOL great band and a loud band too. It was fun, and I'm glad I went. It was way back in 2006. But I digress on a nice memory. 
     Candlemas actually goes back to Germany, Google it, it's interesting. Imbolc is a pagan celebration of a Christian saint, who'd of thought it possible. Like I said, a crossover. It's the time to reconnect with what you want to achieve, as the snow and cold leave, and the earth starts to warm up again, you gather your dreams and goals again. Many, including myself, light candles to celebrate. This year I am taking a votive and placing it in the earth (dirt) itself, to symbolize the warmth returning to the earth. A nice thing , in case, it's too cold outside (it IS February) is to take a clear bowl or vase. Put earth in it and place your candle directly into the dirt so it's about half buried. You can even melt the wax into a hole you've made in the dirt and make a true "earth candle". Eggs and cheese are popular food choices. I'm thinking a nice warmed Brie with cranberries and walnuts. Anything with oats is also good. I have a traditional oatcake recipe but I tend to use that for later on in the year when we celebrate the harvest season. I'm hoping I will be well enough to actually do these things, if not a candle at the very least will be lit. I have pure beeswax candles just for this and also for Litha. (Later in the year for that one) I'm feeling a bit better but my digestive system is still a bit off as my stuffy head is clearing a little. So I'm on the mend I believe. I'm off Monday as I had taken a vaca day, so one more day to rest. All I've done is sleep, oh and play Trivia Crack. lol 
     I didn't eat much today at all. Some Wheatabix cereal. 2% moo juice and 2 packets of Stevia. Then tonight about a cup of mild white cheddar mac n cheese. Not the healthiest food, but not a lot. Also an orange. Of course hubs has kept me in supply of tea and water, bless. I'm actually looking forward
to a soft boiled egg in the morning, oops mean later today, as it's, 3am now. Can't sleep, been sleeping too much. This started Thursday night around 9 then hit hard, Friday I barely moved at all. Getting up only to wee. 
     So looking forward to my next NYC trip. My sis and I are heading up to Connecticut for the day. Seeing what we can get into there. It's about 2 hours east from my Dad. I used to go there on weekend jaunts quite often when I was younger and single. Hehehe. Had great times, meeting people, went whale watching one time, hit a jazz bar one night....good times! 
Speaking of my travels, when last I drove my car, I had just under 11,000 miles. My car will be a year  old on April 4th. I'm going to be under 12,000 miles. WOW For me this is a new thing. I have always had at least 14 or 15,000 by the time I had a car for a year. My Mustang had almost 100,000 miles on it when I sold it, well kinda close. 97,645 to be exact. I had her for just over 7 1/2 years. About an average of 13,000 a year. But my first Mustang in 1986, I had 121,000 miles on it when I sold it. I did that IN 4 YEARS!!!  Yep I had a duffle bag in the trunk that had, toiletries, make-up, extra clothes, shoes. I would just up and go. Made sure I had a credit card and some cash, my music and off I went. I always liked just driving and not always know where I would end up. I would call my parents, from a pay phone ( no mobile then) lmao.....again, good times. 
     Boy I'm all over the place, it's been awhile since I've felt like writing so I'm on a tangent ride. Plus I'm hot - I'm cold. The one thing I hate about being sick. Hubs is snoring away, kitty is off, who knows where. So I'm going to take the last sips of my now cold tea, and head to bed. So until next time, ciao for now. 

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