Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sometimes It Changes

     One day you open up your eyes, get out of bed and decide I need a change. Enough of this pity shit. What's going to happen is going to happen, just do what you do and take it day by day. Oh and the cherry on top of this emotional sundae is that today I see a charge on my bank card that I didn't make. So bank call in the am.
     After OT this afternoon I needed some toiletries so I went to CVS, a drugstore/pharmacy and found myself in the hair color section. I've been antsy, looking to make some changes. I can't afford my hairdresser right now. Her and I spoke and she will help me if I want to go blond again, I'm thinking I will at some point, but I can keep this myself. Now aside from going a different color, I cut my hair MYSELF! OMG what am I thinking, I'm not a hairdresser but it's not bad. I watch my hairdresser very carefully and over the years I've got some basics down. Doesn't look too bad but Tiff will fix the flaws. Onto new things.
      Speaking of OT. I must share this.  I read you can microwave eggs so that they are like soft boiled. So I brought 2 eggs with me to work. So I poke a teeny hole so they don't explode. I put them in a bowl and into the microwave they go. So I take them out and the shells cracked a bit. They're hot ( no shit!) so I take my spoon and lift the shell then all of a sudden. BOOM!! The egg freakin exploded, I'm talking all over the counter. The side of the toaster, THE WALL!! Scared the bejesus out of me. Two people come into the kitchen and there I am on hands and knees picking up egg schrapnel. We all start laughing. So I had tea, that's it. Tea. Good tea though. Lol
     Oh check it. I'm seeing my two English birds in 2 weeks. Lol I'm bringing them some real NY bagels and we will have a breakfast feast before one of them flies back to England. I'm looking forward to this. I'll school them on phrases like Youze guys, and fudggediboutit. LMAO I do miss England so much. I had fun, and I know I'm silly but it felt right. I'm sure my peeps there would flip on a steady diet of me, but wish I could afford to go there more often. {wistful sigh}
     So let's see, dinners been consumed, dishes done, about to go take off make-up, try to be in bed by 11. That is rare. Tomorrow's clothes are already laid out so I'm thinking tea. I'm always thinking tea.  So I am saying good night, with a bit lighter heart than normal :-D  ciao for now x

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