Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey day here in the USA today. Yes lets be thankful for all we have by stuffing ourseleves more than we stuffed the turkey. This year I can honestly say that food is not my focal point this year. We are headed to my in-laws today which is going to be lovely and not having to cook keeps food out of the house. Not having a big fridge means no tons of leftovers.I ail eat my meal and no dessert and be Thankful of my resolve. This world is far from perfect but I have lots to be thankful for, so here goes:

I am thankful for my family, they love me for me, nutty quirks and all
I am thankful for my friends who are to me an extended family. I live them deeply
I am thankful for my work friends
I am thankful for having a home and someone dear there to share it with
I am thankful for my Kitty Harley who thinks I'm the best person ever!
I am thankful for hot showers, cool drinks, warm breezes and European chocolates
I'm thankful I have all my 5 senses, 4 limbs and 2 eyes (bless those who carry on without them)
I am thankful my friends understand me and still STAY my friends
I am thankful to all those people in the grocery store who got things off the top shelves for me
I am thankful for countless other things and I am thankful to all of you who take the time out of your day to read my silly little blog. Bless you all!!
So again to all who celebrate it--- Happy Thanksgiving and to all others look around you, there really doesn't need a day special to be thankful. To my friends in England, thanks for being the wild children who made the Pilgrims leave and start this whole thing. LOL


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