Wednesday, September 7, 2011


     Now that I have your attention!  LMAO  hehehe Gets them everytime!  We had a lunch discussion at work today about sex and relationships so let's talk about it for a minute. What makes us appealing to another person. It's interesting growing up as a girl with extra padding. Many folks would think that I wouldn't have dated or think just the opposite that I would be easy.  Neither is true.  I always was select and never bed hopped. I mean I dated quite a few people but I was never really the one night stand kind of person. Now not to say that over the years there weren't a few of those as well but all in all I was friends with those I dated first and still am with all but one. He actually thinks I still want to do him bodily harm. I saw him about 15 years ago and he turned white as a ghost, I mean what?? Like I had a chainsaw in my purse?? Oh well good luck to him.  If one were to ask me what "Type" of guy I liked, looking back it would be darker hair, average height and not thin, I like some meat on the bone. You know I just realized something writing this that the one ex who I am not still friend with, was blonde and tall and thin!! So opposite my usual suspects. Even my hubby is average height (well high end of average), dark hair and larger bod type with a goatee. (He looks great in a full beard too!)  One main thing that is a major turn on to me more than looks ever would be is the ability to laugh, it is so important and very sexy.  A pretty face, nice mouth, nice butt (men & women), big boobs (women lol) are all attractive and nice to look at but when it gets more personal you can take the perfect looking person and if they are not nice inside they all of a sudden look ugly. The opposite is also true, it really is a stumper why we are attracted to some people and not others. Maybe we remind people of people in their lives or even past lives (yes I believe in that). I mean how do you explain instant attraction or instant friends, not easy is it?  Yet we go with it. There are those that say it has to do with pheremones (spelt wrong I know) I think why ask why?? See I love as a beautiful form of expression.  I have always tried to be honest with my partner, laugh with them, do for them and enjoy them for the person they are inside! Funny I feel the same for my friends too. So maybe love is just a more powerful friendship;  one that has no limits.
     Now sex on the other hand varies from person to person. Most folks say men can have sex and not be in love and women must be in love or at least care a lot about the person they have sex with.  Look let be honest here. Both men AND women get horny! I have had those few one nighters that was what it was! But the romantic in me prefered the more than one date kind of relationship. I am visual as well I enjoy watching movies and looking at pics where many women are not. I also know men who don't care for visuals so really, no rules, as it is an individual preference I believe. I never went out "on the prowl" like some of my friends, then they would get hurt and wonder why. Really?? I can tell you why!!  I can take care of myself, that's why there are toys. I want someone I can talk with and oh yes a mind, someone you can share ideas with and joke with and be yourself with, yes a working mind, now THAT is sexy!! 
     Well sexy friends this sexy chick is signing off. It's closing time and I'm off to get my sexy hubby some sexy salad. Until next Ciao ;-)


  1. I agree Mary, laughter means sooo much to me. If a guy can make me laugh, he's got one leg up on any other guy. That was one of the first things that attracted me to Steve. He always made me laugh. Even as pissed as I get at him(imagine)he can still make me laugh. Nothing is sexier.

  2. Except tattooed Asian midgets ?!
