Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tech Challenged

     Well yours truly here has been playing teacher LOL  That sounds kind of naughty  but trust me when I say it's all business, well mostly since of course we joke around a little, I mean this IS me!  The trainees are the new hires we brought in for annual enrollment. This starts in November but we need some good training so they will be ready and there really is a lot of different systems to learn. After the first day they all had a bit of deer in the headlights looks on their faces hahaha. It has been interesting and I was going great at this came tine to use the overhead projector that is set up so that I can go on the computer and they will see what I am doing and how to get into different areas. So here I am Miss Uber Cool grabs the remote to turn everything on. NOTHING HAPPENS!!  I keep hitting different buttons and I can't get the damn thing to work. Now I am still using the cane so off I hobble to find Mike. He comes back in and gets it all started. I am dumbfounded, how did he do that?! Well he leaves and we continue the day, break for lunch. Fast forward to time to watch training videos. I get the tape going and I hear music, good sign, I'm making small talk and the people are giggling at me and damn if I can't get the video to go with my audio. I'm switching screens, pushing buttons and finally I look up and everyone is looking out the door. Mike opens it and asks if I need help. He's laughing so hard because he saw the screen changing and 5 pairs of eyes starring at him for help! Okay we got it going. Now mind you shutting this all down I'm fab at. So today it comes time to do this again and I'm quite confident I can handle it - yea well that ended soon enough. Seriously I can set up my computer at home and know how to work the remotes, well okay I have no idea how to use the Tivo correctly but that not withstanding I watched Mike do this so I knew I could.  NOPE!! My knee really hurt today so I txted Mike word...Help!! No reply but a few seconds later Mike walks in and tells me to get away from the electronics. He gets it working AGAIN!!  Tomorrow is my last day to train and we have videos to watch...anyone want to place a bet on if i can get the damn machine to work!!!? ARRGH!!! LOL
     On a higher note the hubs and I went out to dinner with my in-laws as it was my nephew Christopher's 12th birthday. It was a lovely evening and he is growing up so fast. He's almost as tall as me!! My niece was excited to tell me she is trying out for drama class and performed a piece called "Candyland" for us all and she was damn good!! Her inflections were spot on and she was quite animated. She will be 10 in 2 months, all I kept wondering was where did the time go? They grow up so fast. They are developing into interesting young people. They love their Uncle too I tell ya and he loves to tease and play with them. I love watching that more than would make sense to anyone.Was a really nice night after a tech challenged day. LMAO
     I am still at 29 lbs and holding and I am being good and watching what I eat. I have not been to the gym because of my knee but I'll get there in a week or so. Like I have said, I like being a saucy BBW I just want to get fit and YES I can and will be both! :-D    Well pumpkins time to sleep as 5Am comes early. Until next time ...ciao.

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