Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Words Of Not Much Wisdom

     This is basically and extended version of an email I sent a friend very soon after going to the viewing of the young wife of a man at work, she had an aneurysm and died very suddenly st age 30! Just left the funeral home. So sad but beautiful at the same time, isn't that odd of me. But when it's someone you don't know and your not grieving or feeling the pain of a loss, you see the serenity of it. Hoe often do prople comment on how calming a cemetary is. Oh I know they scare us in the mobies but really they are well cared plots of land with marble sculpture and some are palatial in manor. I always feel peaceful when I visit my mothers gravesite. Funeral homes are often grand old homes, and I realise this comes off as a bit morose and or macabre as well. Don't we say when looking at the deceased that they look calm and peaceful. They are, pain is gone, no more worries. Which dogma you believe in will dictate what happens but they go to a better place. some believe our loved ones passed slready great us, or we live on vlouds and watch the world go by in bodies comprised of light! I'm thinking that's the Wiccan Witch coming out in me but see we believe you travel to summer land where your spirit or I guess most say soul takes its path towards its next life, taking with it what  was learnt in this one that was deemed important. You've heard people say "oh they're an old soul" well some are. Simple and foolish but it gives me hope that one day I might actually live a life where I'm over 5 feet. Lol I'm glib, and all kidding aside, but I tell you when it got quiet tonight it was very peaceful, the sadness was given a run for its money by the feeling of love and friendship. They had favorite music playing and picture slides showing to celebrate her life and it was nice to see. 
      Again as an outsider.  I look at things strangely I know but you allknow by now I'm a bit of a nutter. I look at things differently or at least i try to as sometimes you find that you have been missing out on a good view. I mean no disrespect to anyone and believe me, I cried a river when my Mother died but even so, ask anyone there. There was beauty there, and that peace. Like I said when you have a loss it hurts like hell, we are sad, we miss those we love, we want them to be there. I agree with all of this, I'm not that crazy. I sometimes feel too much and I cry very easy but we are part of nature. All of nature is born and dies. Again bring Wiccan I believe we come back as do the flowers and trees and as babies are born to start their journey. I wish this young woman a peaceful journey that she may rest in peace and she is met by her Diety and know she will always be loved. I hope those who love her allow their grief and let the tears cleanse them to give way to memories that will live and keep her with them. Her husband, well I wish him peace in his heart, knowing how beautiful that he was with her, in time hopefully it wil comfort him as I'm sure right now his heart is broken, may HIS memories be the glue to mend it. I go off on such tangents and I'm afraid I did again. Many of you are shaking your head thinking I'm such an ass for all I've spewed out, but I hope some of you can understand. I am not stupid and yes I get a bit poetic st times but know this. I am also very greedy and as I can and do see the silver lining with this I am like I just said greedy and selfish and want those I love to always be there! So yes I am human just one a little left of Center. Don't hate me for it, I would hate that. Simply Ciao For Now peeps. Tell those you love you live them And do send flowers now while they can see and smell and enjoy them. There I ended it poetic :-D
PS. My phone is acting up tonight so please forgive the one long paragraph and grammar errors if you read it before I can fix it.

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