Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2 - So Far, So Good

     Well here it is, 4:30am on Jan. 2nd. I have to tell ya so far it doesn't feel much different from 2012. I suppose there are some changes. I am very pleased to say that my leg is almost back to its normal size although it looks burnt at calf level all the way around. It's still warm to the touch but no where near what it was a few weeks ago. I have a doctor visit on Thursday, I think I mentioned that already, so I am hoping its good news as this IV is getting very boring! I know that I have been overly self absorbed in this, and I beg pardon, but I never have had anything this bad. I had MRSA a year and a half ago but it was a week of pills and buh-bye! This was really bad and what annoys me, and I suspect the infectious disease docs as well, is they have no clue what type of bacteria this was, since they weren't able to get a culture until it was too late. The blisters that formed then broke were mainly water, so this will be chalked up to a super bug I'm sure. It would be for a 12 day hospital stay.  Well I do like to think of myself as a woman of some mystery (although a rare few know me like the back of their hand).
     So 2013 is now officially here, and I do have plans for this year. England is one of them. The biggest!! What sucks is that I'm not going to be able to get tickets until February, as I need to keep the bank account padded for hospital bills, but I WILL get them. I don't make resolutions, I think that when you want to make changes to any part of yourself, or surroundings, you do it! No need to wait for a special day. That is a cop out, and allows you to be "bad" for a few more days before you set your changes in motion. Mine if course will always be weight, but I came to terms with that long back. I will say if any good came out if this illness, I have lost about 10 pounds. Now some may come back once I start eating regular, but it should mainly stay off. I'm not very hungry, since the meds make me nauseated more times than not. Plus I'm not doing anything!!! I actually said to the Hubs tonight that I so want to go for a walk! My legs are getting weak from non use, it's amazing how you can tell! So I suppose my "resolution" will be making the most of my gym membership this year.
     I was talking to Dad yesterday, wishing him a Happy New Year, and he was so cute. Telling me that he got a few kisses from his lady friend. He loves telling me and I think it's cute, I love teasing him that he's a silver stud and it's so good to hear him laugh! Of course there is another part of me that is totally grossed out at the thought of him in any amorous form, BUT, I had to get it from somewhere! Who knew!? He was telling me stories of how he and his group of friends  ( all but 2 are now gone but he's known them over 75 years!!) would go to the dances at the youth centers and clubs in Manhattan, all dressed in suits and they would find a table of girls and ask them to join them. My Dad told me that his good friend Jack (still breathing lol) had kind of liked this one girl but she kept talking to my Dad. Jack got annoyed at told my Dad to back off and my Dad was like "hey, she's talking to me, I didn't start it. He said that Jack got over it fast. Bros before hoes as the saying goes, NOT that these girls were, but that's the saying. The guys always went there together and left together. They were tight, and I have pics of them from back then, and now as I look at them with the eyes of an adult and not just a daughter, I admit some if them, including my dad would have had me going for a second glance. My dad's friend Artie was downright HOT!!! Bwahaha   I love hearing these stories, and its only recently that my dad had been telling me. I think he misses those days and I can't blame him! He was young, handsome and single. How does that saying go? The World Was His Oyster! I don't get the connection really, although I understand the implication.
     Ugh!! Just after 5am, oh here comes the cat. She sees me up so of course she is now by my side nudging me to pet her. She's what I like to call a "dog" cat! She is not the cold type of cat that doesn't like people, she's a big ole mush. She is getting fat and since she's been altered, she has that tummy hang, come to think of it, kind if like me! ;-D   If you have seen the 3rd Shrek movie you know what I mean, although she can still clean her own back but she wobbles back and forth when she does. She will sometimes sit on the bed too close to the edge and will wobble herself right off and onto the floor   and gets the most indignant look on her face. It's quite amusing!
     Methinks I shall shut up now as hubs alarm will be going off soon and I'm going to do my morning IV soon. I need tea, yes a nice hot cuppa!! Lol. So until next time peeps I will say -Ciao For Now

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