Sunday, January 6, 2013

Is It Doldrums, Or Just Boring?

     I find it interesting that when we feel not quite ourselves many times we call for our mothers. I know for myself I find my thoughts very strong of mine today. I am on the mend with my infection, wonderfully so, but for some reason my general feeling is a bit less than what I would hope for. I find that I wake up and as I start to move about I get a bit dizzy, yes more than I usually am. LOL I get tired very easily as well. My short jaunts out to get nails or hair done, or to the grocery store find me taxed beyond what they should. The hubs says its pretty normal, considering that for the better part of a month I was in a bed and not mobile. I suppose he is right, but I am not liking this feeling. I am not my normal self. I know this, and it's hard to explain to someone who does not know how I feel. Last night we went out to dinner. Nothing fancy, but a nice little place by us, and I had a delicious Kobe beef burger with cheddar cheese and sauteed onions. It was juicy and cooked medium rare. The meal was delicious (although I know I said less red meat this year - irony is my middle name lol) We got home and I got sick. I felt horrible and finally fell asleep, to awaken to a sensitive stomach sort of day. I don't get sick from a hamburger. Especially not a Kobe beef one. I feel like a baby needing to learn to walk again. What the hell happened to my system? I can't possibly be this weak a person! Which brings me to my Mother. I miss her today, I want to lay in her arms and have her tell me all will be fine. To have a cup of tea that she made for me, which always was perfect! I can feel her sweater and smell her perfume, she left me too soon. Selfish of me I know but I can't help it sometimes.
     I am looking forward to going back to work later this week. I'm hoping that getting back into my routine will help me feel more "normal", getting my hair and nails done really didn't do anything in this regard. (although I look a sight better than I did before they were done, in my opinion anyway)
Am I alone in this? Does anyone else feel like a child when they feel really ill? I know that a few of you are not well right now, does any of what I'm saying sound familiar at all? Or am I just a spoiled little girl? I'm not asking for special treatment because of being sick but it IS a nice memory and why not be a little special when not well. I know when my hubby is ill I try to always make him his tea, or get him something special, even if it's just laying down with him and keeping things calm around him. I am SO over being ill though and I think that's the main issue - I just want to be back to 100% as soon as possible. I know I will be as normal as I can ever be but I want it yesterday! I'm such a patient biatch at times hahahaha
     I am pleasantly wasting my time watching a series called "Downton Abbey". I love it! I say wasting time being very tongue in cheek, it's not a waste of course, but I'm taking advantage of my down time, may be a better way of phrasing it. I am enjoying the characters, some I do not care for and others I truly feel for, my "sister from another mister" called it, she told me I would get hooked and I have. All I have written here has been my weekend, that rounded out with a trip to Target to buy a new shower curtain and some socks completes my social activities. I am so exciting the cat just yawned in my face before looking for a cuddle. She is now curled up at the end of my bed. It's hard to tell which of us has the more exciting existence at the moment? I have opposible thumbs so I think I will say me. LOL
     I think I am going to go for a walk down to the mailbox and see if there is anything there since I didn't go yesterday. Ye Gods is there no end to the excitement!!??  hehehe  Oh not to worry, as soon as I'm feeling up to snuff I will be making more excitement, you see I have too, it's who I am and it's my nature, so stay tuned. Contrary to the first few of my posts, this included, I have a feeling 2013 is going to be a very very good year!! :-D  So Ciao For Now peeps, Ciao For Now

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