Thursday, January 17, 2013

I Do Like To Stir The Shit Sometimes ;-D

     I am talking about the US Constitution, more to the point, the 2nd amendment. The right to bear arms. Now I am not against protecting yourself, hell we have a shotgun in our home. I know former military who have their guns and law officers as well. These people were trained on how to use these automatic weapons and I suppose more to the point now how to keep these safely stored. Of course I hear you saying oh I know how to use one too. I have my feelings on guns, shotguns and even a handgun for protection if you can use it right is fine with me. I see no reason to have an UZI or the like but that's my opinion. I would not shove it down someone's throat. Yet I have a friend on facebook who is so republican if he were to fly his plane would have two right wings. He hates Obama and wanted Romney. I'm getting off my subject of stirring the shit. HEHEHE  He put a picture on facebook that read "Our Rights come from God not the Government"  So I put: "So then correct me if I'm wrong but going by this, God never gave us the right to carry a gun, that is an amendment to the constitution, you know, government. So then we shouldn't carry guns! Not a law of God"  see what I mean, stir, stir, stir, what he says goes right against his support of NOT banning guns. It makes no sense. Ah I love it. I will admit though I really can laugh at myself also. On the same subject but a different take on it a another friend from work put up a pic of a person (I couldn't tell male or female) who look very calm, peaceful, 1970's groovy and the words above the pic said: "Believes laws will prevent illegal sales of guns", and below it said "Smokes Pot"   I was like what does one have to do with the other? My hubby turned to look at me with this look of disbelief on his face and started to laugh. I was even more perplexed. He repeated what it said slowly to me then looked right into my eyes and said "THINK about it!" I suddenly got it!! They smoked pot and there are laws against pot  - DUH on me!! It took a while but at least I got it!  LOL It was kind of funny.   The issue is reaching such a high pitch though on both sides.  I mean if you live in an area where you need a machine gun in your home, then to me, we have a much bigger issue that we should be concentrating on.  I really shouldn't be talking to much about this as I am not very political and I probably sound a little dumb but those are the thoughts in my head.
     So tomorrow I am off to NY to see my Dad. SO looking forward to it. Today was such a crazy day. My co supervisor was off, no big deal, but then early this morning my manager called to say that she had a family tragedy happen (we were expecting it) so she would not be in. Then the other manager was so sick she went home about an hour in. Then our director had to leave about an hour later so yes the office was in my total care until about 2 in the afternoon but as far as the HR side, it was only me from 8 to 6:30, yep extra hours so I am a little tired but I felt good tonight. I felt like I really did some good work and that's a great feeling. But because of this and not sure if tomorrow will be a repeat (although the other supervisor will be in) I am really looking forward to seeing Dad and my friends. I'm sure on the way up I will have many an insightful thought that sounds so great and then when I write it down I will look and think - no, that's shite, or worse yet, actually write it and have you all scratching your heads again. OOOH OOOOH  good news - no snow so the roads are clear for the drive  - yeah!!! 
     Well I am off to sleep so I will say as I have been known to do.....Ciao For Now

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