Monday, May 28, 2012

That Makes Two

     Hello one and all. I come here tonight more sunburned than I expected. Today was a good day, that makes 2 in a row....I like how it's going :-)  We had a bit of a lazy morning, not even getting out of bed until after10AM. We then went out for brunch and took a little drive. The weather has been holding up with no rain (except a quick moving thunderstorm earlier tonight) 
     We eneded up at a community yard sale and local streets were closed. So many stores had booths, with lots of different items. These ranged from local honey and other foods to handmade soaps, and then stoneware, rings, bracelets, anything you could imagine it seemed. It was a nice time but it was getting really warm so we drove a little then I went to the store to pick up dinner for tomorrow as we went out tonight.   We went to Dumfries and ate while we looked at the Potomac. Its called Tims and it was really good.  Here's the link if you want to see:   They had a pig roast this weekend, never saw an entire pig cooked all at the same time.  I feel like I gorged on crabs. They were very tasty. Hubs had a platter with several different things on it like stuffed shrimp, crab cakes and fish & chips LOL  He finished and I was only about halfway through with my dinner and he's watching me and smiling. I asked him why he was smiling and he replied he was enjoying the show. He meant me eating crabs. Okay I admit i kind of look like a 5 year old when I do. Stuff gets everywhere. He said that fragments of shell actually went over my shoulder. I don't believe that at all!! But its so primal, I love it. eating with your hands, breaking open the shell and get the meat. YUM!!!  hahahaha
     Then we went for another drive and I surprised hubs with a playlist of ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) they are his favorite. He was actually singing the songs to me and was enjoying the night. I was loving it and sang along on the songs I knew. Then he was talking about their albums and there is one called  OLE ELO. He asked if I knew why and i said no. It's because its the same forwards and backwards.  So trying to get my educated self asserted I say "Oh it's a pannendrome! He said yes dear thats what it is and I kept saying it and he's laughing. I am like why are you laughng and he asks is that anything like a palendrome (sp?) and I realize I said the word wrong. I told him he just didn't hear me with al the air circulating through the car snce the top was down. He laughed harder. 
    After that we came home and settled in. He's on his new IPad and I watched Mad Men. We are now having some tea in the bedroom and Mars Attacks is onin the background. I forgot Tom Jones was in it! LOL  It will be nice not to have to set an alarm for the morning. I will check in tomorrow night peeps so until then ....Ciao For Now

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