Thursday, May 3, 2012

Are You My Momma?

     Well just today, in the short time I have have been here, about 8 hours so far, I have received 26 adverts for Mother's Day. This has included, flowers, perfume and even cell phones. Anything and everything they can say now has "For Mother's Day" on it. I kind of dread this day or a few reasons.  It's stricktly personal and really not against anyone. My dearest friends are Mother's and it's one of the hardest jobs ever. I have nothing but respect for the Mother's I know. That is one job I would have loved to have had.
      Sadly that is one reason this day is hard for me. Due to medical reasons I could not have children and since I am married and older when I am out on that day I get wished a Happy Mother's Day, I just smile and say thank you but each time it's a little pang in my heart. I had always dreamed of being a Mom. Now don't get me wrong, I have Nieces and Nephews who I adore but it's still not the same. I know this is why I go overboard with kids if I don't watch myself. LOL I love them. Perhaps maybe in my next lifetime I will be a Mom.  
     The other reason it's hard for me is that my Mom passed away years ago and it's another reminder she is not here. In retrospect it's much better for her as she was in pain but it still hurts, even to this day. My husband's mother is also passed so no Mom's to make breaky for in bed.
     Don't get me wrong I am not a sad sack because of it, just the opposite, I love to wish all the Mom's I know a happy day, they deserve it!!
     Life is not always what you thought it would be but you have to roll with the punches and work with what you have and make it better as only you can!! I did not have the pleasure of having a child but this has given me the freedom so to speak to do other things I probably wouldn't have been able to do. I have to admit I like what I do and in the end it worked out as it should have.

     I am looking forward to this weekend as I believe we wil be seeing "The Avengers" on Sunday.  I am working in my bedroom all day Saurday as the weather is forcasting rain so I am going through the dressers and closets and then washing the walls so we can paint the room. I have a lovely sage green color picked out that i will accent around the room in plum tones but right now the walls are a horrid eggshell color that is so boring.  I mean you would think white is boring but its not, you can do so much with a white room but this eggshell - ugh!!!  Very 1970's and not groovy at all!!!    I have had my windows and screens door open and the breeze comes in and makes everything smell so good. I went for a drive last weekend and went past a field, oh man!! the scent that my nose picked up was just fantastic. It was that mix of fresh cut grass and wildflowers that are just divine. I wish I could bottle that fragrance, I'd make a fortune!! 
    Well peeps, I will end this blog here.  I wish you all all great night or day , depending on where you are.  So Ciao For Now!

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