Monday, September 10, 2012

Warning: May Bring Up Sad Memories

    Lets do the math: Cantor Fitzgerald - 658, March & Mc Lennon - 358, AON Corp. - 175, these are the top 3 companies that lost people that tragic day. The total loss was over 3,000. I doubt we will ever know the exact amount as I'm sure workers who worked the 3rd shift were unaccounted for. People who had no families to report a loved one didn't come home. My eyes are watery as I'm typing this. The United States never had anything like this before, we were always on foreign soil, but this morning we were all focused downtown. I remember someone I worked with, running out of the back room telling me a plane crashed into the Trade Center.  I turned on CNN and there it was, this ball of fire, I stared at the screen. I grabbed my phone and called my Dad, he turned on the TV and was shocked! My friend in Long Island called me as she heard a plane was near Dulles Airport, the plane crashed into The Pentagon. I know so many people who lost friends, spouses, family, I get a bit sick thinking of all that loss. I will never be able to wrap my bitty brain around that much hate!! I had friends who worked near there, my cousin worked at NY/NJ Port Authority, she was late that day (thank heavens) I am sure many of you reading have been personally touched by this and I know at least 2 of you personally. A friend from high school died that day, he was a first responder, a fireman, his dream. I'm not doing this to make anyone sad, I want to celebrate their memory, I want them to live on. 
     I remember another of my friends who also is a NY City Fireman. His firehouse was in Brooklyn but they were called in almost immediately as they were right over the bridge from downtown. We didn't hear from him for a week. We thought we lost him too, but an email simply stating "I'm okay" allowed us to exhale with relief. My oldest friend in the world, a NY City Policeman has been on desk duty since then as he can't breathe right still. I am very proud of all of them. Just an ordinary day, it started perfectly fine then Hell On Earth started. Tomorrow is the anniversary of this tragedy, it's been 11 years and I want to honor them all, those who lost their lives, the emergency responders, doctors, nurses, all those who just helped any way they could.
     On this day, which is a global remembrance as so so many countries lost people, I just want my friends to know that I treasure you. Life can end at any moment, so why wait until then to say I love you, I have a great time with you, you are special to me, tell them now. All of you reading this let those you care about know it!! I could have written so much more but it seems a little blasphemous to just go on and on. I will stop here. So ciao for now

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