Thursday, September 27, 2012

Facebook Can Be Really Weird

    Case in point. Today my friend put up a R.I.P. for an actor, his name was Herbert Lom. He played Charles Dreyfus, Inspector Clouseau's boss. I adore the Pink Panther movies, but I digress. Well I commented on this and another lady commented on my comment, so of course, I comment back and this went on for about 7 comments and I don't even know this woman!! LOL  I swear I will chat with anyone who is nice. Lol
     I am going to send hubs an edible fruit arrangement for our anniversary tomorrow. I have bought wine, there was a sale LOL
    I am at a loss tonight, I have been chatty and I really need to formulate my thoughts on issues I read about and discuss here at work but lately it's all the open enrollment talk.  I interviewed 3 people today and 2 are keepers for sure. I just want to stay the course, eat well as I have been and trudge to next year and my trip to England.  My friends daughter asked me if i still planned on going and when I said yes she replied that she is the happiest 11 year old ever.  I replied back I am the happiest NOT 11 year old ever. :-D   I need to step back and take a deep breath and not obsess over it. I don't know if you realize it but I can get a bit over enthusiactic, which i am sure at times is annoying. I truly do not mean to be though. Its funny, when my sister in law was pregnant with her second, she told me she couldn't wait to tell me as I would get really excited for her. The rest of the people were "Oh That's Nice" since it was her second. To me each baby is just as exciting, but again, over the top Mary strikes again. HAHA
    I want to know how others view me and compare it to how I view myself, just so I can get another's ideas. Case in point - I was a redhead for so long then someone suggested blonde. I LOVE it now. I accept constructive suggestions, I welcome them. I would love all of you who know me to suggest clothing styles as I need toget clothes and soon.  LOL
    So needy me is now ending this as I have to do a few things and I'm actually getting a headache (how different as I'm sure I've caused many! LOL)   So Ciao For Now :-D

1 comment:

  1. You are by far the most eclectic, exhausting, funny, goofy, kind, caring, silly, chatty, loving, bouncy, brooding, nutty, insightful, intelligent, restful person I know. You are the epitome of a Libra.
