Friday, September 7, 2012

Give Me Wine Or Give Me Death!!

     Well hello Friday you have finally arrived. Why is it that when you have off on Monday for a holiday that the rest of the week seems more crazy than normal.  It has been so busy at work that you don't remeber whether you were coming or going. I am tired if I'm honest. I am out of sorts slightly as several people here at work have been nice and shared their germs with me. 
     I don't know, I am feeling odd all around really. I am happy and sad at the same time. I'm having withdrawl of a few friends who are away and I have not spoken to. Odd how you get so used to speaking with someone and when you don't you miss them. The even odder thing there is that they don't live near me so I don't see them much anyway!! Still, it's like they are somehow more removed from you because of this. DON'T try to figure it out, it makes sense in Maryworld, you'll just end up like a dog chasing it's tail never truly getting it! LOL
     I have also just started going back to the gym hurts!! hahaaha  Yes I know it should, but I'm mad at myself that I got so caught up in crap that I put myself aside again and didn't take are of me as I should. I must take care of me, it's the only thing I can give those I love. I think I am just going through that "I look horrible & unattractive" phase that we all go through sometimes. Stress is showing and I don't like it. Which may be the reason I keep eyeing that Clarosonic (Think thats it) face scrubbing system, and also all the lovely perfumes on Sephora. Trying to gain confidence again. I'll be right as rain soon I know as I usually can talk myself out of feeling like this. I feel just super big, like gravity has doubled lately. My clothes still hang on but the few pounds I had gained back all show in my face, gods forbid it would go to my tits!! NO we won't have it going there...DAMN!!! :-(
     I bought hubs a silly geeky Dr.Who gift for his birthday, it's a copy of the Master's watch and fob. It's a real watch and very cool. We both love that show. I will take him to dinner on Sunday, (hoping for sushi, and then let him run around the computer store and get something he wants then that will be his real gift. I never know what to get him. I was thinking a new camera and he went and bought one for himself last week!! ARRRGGHHH!! I'm usually pretty good with gifts but him I have trouble with. He wears no jewelry and is not into fancy clothes or wine or anything really.  He DOES eat - so ergo the sushi!! HAHAHA
    I wish I felt witty as i feel like I am letting all of you down. I wanted my blogs to always be witty and full of fun and folly but sometimes they seem to just sound like I'm bitching.  I'm really a wonderful person. I give to charities, try to alwasy have a smile for people and will help you get anything off the bottom shelf in any store ;-)
if i didn't know better I would guess I was pregnant but THAT is impossible so I will just say that I am feeling the elements which have been a bit volitile as of late. With all the hurricanes, the weather NOT changing to fall fast enough (lol), and now the waning of the moon. It affects me I suppose. I AM feeling better that I am doing my cards again and I enrolled in that class I mentioned. Oh I am a nutter who does dumb things sometimes and to make matters worse posts them on facebook to allow her friends on there to hear about it!! I will always be, shall we be kind, and say quirky? But that's me, so take me or leave me, but rest assured I WILL do things not expected if you hang around long enough! ;-D    So until next time Ciao For Now

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