Sunday, November 30, 2014

Much Brighter AM

     Sunday morning and Christmas season is starting. I'm not fully in the mood yet which for me is very odd. Thing is, life us hard at the moment. I'm struggling with cash, trying to make a house a home although so much needs to be done here. This is not how I envisioned things BUT it is how they are. So I must soldier on and do what I can with what I have. It's been quite awhile since I've had to juggle which bills to pay and live paycheck to paycheck. My in laws just loaned a bit of cash, not much (they have bills too) but it will help this month coming up and even allow for some prezzies for Chrimbo.  I am supplementing with baked goods as well. Sorry but this is a must. I have flour, sugar, etc to bake. And although the gifts are small they come from the heart. I am so so lucky to have friends I can count on. Wether they know it or not, a simple email or conversation brightens up my day. I will smile at the world and at them. I mean that smile, it's not fake and it runs deeper than one would expect. Theses people matter to me, put up with me and here's the weird part - they understand me. Better than I do myself sometimes. So Christmas gifts, yep, no options there. :-)
     Hubs is looking for work, and since I've been back, he's been very attentive. It's been 20 years and love changes. We don't see eye to eye in many things and that's okay, but I wish he'd tone it down in some ways and spice it up in others. Lol. God, are we ever satisfied? I'm really a simple creature, I like to go do what I need to (aka work) go out with friends, laugh a lot, cry at sad movies and have kinky sex sometimes to mix it up with regular sex. Is that too much to ask? LMAO
      I've already gotten a few gifties, I need to get my overseas ones as soon as possible for shipping reasons. It's mt Dad, I never know what to get him. My neighbor in NY said he's taking him to a strip club for a boys night out. :-) He's almost 87. Hope his heart can take it.  Hahaha. Maybe we can give him $40 in singles to take. I'm just trying to picture my dad at a place like that. Know what, I think he'd have fun, and I'm glad about that. I hope it happens. I know my neighbor will look after him.
     Well it's past half 10 and I've done squat so far today. Hubs is reading his A+ certification book. He knows it but is taking the test so he can add it to his resume as then it will be official. I'm off to vacuum our Brady Bunch carpet. Ciao For Now peeps.

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