Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wee Wee Wee Then All The Way Home

     It was not the best of days peeps. I stayed home as nothing would stay down from about 2 in the morning. I finally had a light meal that stayed down, and I'm finishing a nice warm mug of tea. I will be at work tomorrow's ought and on a new schedule. I will get to sleep tomorrow until at least 7 or 7:30 AM! Woohoo!! Lol
     Well I did go for my drug test this afternoon. Yes the wee into a cup. I hate this, if you remember last time I dropped the cup into the toilet. I had the hardest time of it. Well thus time I wee'd like a boss! I gave them more than they needed. I was spectacular in my wee wee effort this time. So yes I am a full time employee as of the 2nd of December!
     Peeps I am going to read a bit and go to sleep, I'm still not 100%, but I wanted to drop by. Until next time, ciao for now.

1 comment:

  1. Feel better soon for shortly we hope to pillage and plunder. Or at least drink wine.
