Thursday, April 30, 2015

No One Is Alone

     So have you ever had a song stuck in your head, and you are a bit surprised since its not your normal type of song that usually sets up residence in your mind?  Today the song going through my head is No One Is Alone from the musical production of Into The Woods. Its very cute considering its Sondheim. The man has a dark streak running through him that makes his music very interesting, for me anyway. The music and chords that you don't always see follow one another. bass lines are prevalent. It appeals to me very much. Oh I love a sweet melody in a show as I tend to sing melody but his music has some songs you can really have fun with. I was doing a music review and I had to sing one of his songs and I had a hard time reaching the bottom note and would slide over it into the next note and damn if my musical director (and friend) would not let me. We went over and over it and then when I finally got the right note, THEN he said I could do the easy slide. I wouldn't though at that point. Hey IO worked hard and was able to give a good solid performance. He was never easy on me and I never sang better than when he was my musical director. I had that pleasure on 6 different musicals I did.  So my long story actually plays into the words of the song i was thinking of all day.  We can do things on our own but we are never really alone. There is always someone who is watching out for us even if we don't want them too. I tend to do this and I know I have others who do this for me. One of the verses goes like this:  

Sometimes people leave you
halfway through the wood.
Others may deceive you.
You decide what's good.
You decide alone.
But no one is alone.

     I like knowing that people care for me and hope they don't mind I care about them. My dear friends are always in my heart and mind, I pray to my Goddess every night to bless and watch over them. To help them with situations they may have and just in general to give them strength to face their days. Oh I ask this for myself as well :-D    There again we are not alone.  I was basically an atheist before i found my path but even as an atheist I believed in the spirit of the universe.  Hard to explain this to you Italian (Catholic) Grandma. But she was actually pretty cool about it. I mean I am a decent person. HAHAHA 
    Obviously this is a random post that just came over me today about an hour ago when the thunder started.  I adore a good thunderstorm but sadly the sky is brightening up and I think this part of the storm has passed over us. Powerful night, night before Beltane.  Energy can be felt by those sensitive to it. Even if not known why :-D
So i am signing off as it's almost 4PM and I leave work at half past.  So thats its for now, Ciao For Now 

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