Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wired Weird Wired

     I am driving to work this morning and while I was turning into the parking lot, I heard this whoosh sound. It kind of reminded me like a leaf blower and all of a sudden my car had this light smoke in it. It didn't smell electrical or burning smell. Kind of powdery looking as well. The dashboard light did not come on, no check engine light, or tire issues. So I quickly pull into a spot and got out really fast, you know, in case the car was going to explode or something! I  walked around the car to see if I see anything. Nothing!! Tires all fine, nothing under my car. I have no friggin clue what it may have been. I have nothing in my trunk except jumper cables, and cloths. Backseat is empty. I'm hoping the car is fine when I leave today. I may go out at lunchtime to check also. Wow, when I said I wanted something more exciting today to blog about, THIS is not what I was hoping for. Strange thing is, I had just been thinking that I have 4100 miles on her and soon I will be bringing her in for her first oil change. LMAO  It's my trips to NY that add them on so fast, last trip I drove almost 900 miles round trip. I am going back in about 3 weeks, so Tink (that's my car's name lol) needs to be in top shape. 
     So I'm here at work, using Google chrome, since I have trouble with explorer and this site. We are steady busy, but damn I get up and yep it's ADVIL time. LMAO
    Well I will let you all know what happens tonight. It's almost 1PM and that means lunch. I go my cool Big Bang Theory metal lunchbox. Retro style but uber cool  :-D  Got a lot of likes on Facebook, more than I thought I'd get :-D 
So ciao for now. Until later 
    It seems that the little fire extinguisher I keep in the car, popped and well, that powdery mist, yep, all over the back of the hatch. IM AN ASSHOLE!! I have kept it in my Mustang for 8 years, and nothing. But yes, I know pressure under heat = BOOM. I'm lucky it stayed in the plastic container in the hatch. Although there is a big hole in the container now. Yes I'm embarrassed.  At least I now know my car is okay. Well peeps, just wanted to give you guys the latest on the car. So until tomorrow - ciao for now 


  1. Got to love extinguishing an invisible fire !! I keep an extinguisher in each trouser leg just in case by gonads catch fire ..... not happened yet but you never can bee too careful !

  2. And here I thought everything in there was always on fire.....
