Friday, July 18, 2014

Really Now?

      I am not a high executive, I was a supervisor, but now I am one of the masses. I have been many things but personally I feel the higher level you are the more you should have ingested into the workings of your company and how things work. Today at work a very high VP called in to do do a benefits change. He spoke to a co-worker and ended up hanging up as he did not want to do what was needed of him. Then he called back and got me, this time he had his admin with him, she was going to help him by doing this. She was very nice, he went to take a call, her and I chatted and found that her computer was running the wrong version go the operating system needed. I offered to send manual forms and she agreed. He gets back on the phone and says no, no. No manual forms. Then tells his admin to get my boss's boss on the phone to help. Says goodbye then disconnects. Sorry but even you, Mr. VP must follow the rules of the company. You will not get around this and will find this out. Sorry but all you up high folks, made these rules we all follow.
      As a CSR this is not new to me. I hear complaints, and rumblings on a daily basis. We just got a new vacation policy, we found out 2 days before a general email was sent out. 2 days to wrap our heads around it. Were we happy? no, but it is what it is. So of course the calls come in. Yelling and cursing about this. Hey! We didn't make this change, we are employed by the same company. We may feel exactly as you do, but we have to keep a steady tone, and not be rude. It's the job, I've done it long enough to not really let it bother me on most days. But when higher ups complain, I want to ask them, why are you yelling at me? You guys make the rules. We get some of the lowest pay in the company, yet we have to know policy, and be able to help you with every issue, from benefits to education reimbursements. Taxes to time recordings. ALL of it. Not just one area, as most people who call only need to concern themselves with.  It's a lot to remember, and heaven forbid, they ask something we don't support.(which is a few things only) You would think we killed a puppy from the reactions. I will admit, there are customer service reps that don't care, I've encountered them myself. I've also called a few out for it. But I always try to remember it's not their fault, they were just next in queue to get my call. So if you do speak to a decent customer service rep, please let them know, we really appreciate knowing we helped you. Well I do at least. That's what the job is, I like knowing I helped someone figure out a problem. I admit, I surprise myself sometimes at being able to make sense of something I'm not always familiar with. The awesome employees on the phone make up for the rude nasty ones, thankfully so. So you on the phones help us too. Lol
      Well my rant is over and know I must give huge hugs and kudos to my hubby. I know I wasn't mentioning my weight (as posted in last blog) but the trainer I'm going to is starting me on a 2 day cleanse. Basically no food for two days, a supplement drink 2x a day. I can do it, starting Saturday, so if I get a headache I can nap, lol, but hubby asked if I would bring home the little blender I bought. Asking why, he replied, that he was going to have green smoothies only for the weekend. Since I wasn't going to be eating, he didn't want to eat in front of me. He wants to be supportive. I got weepy, how sweet is that?
      Time to close my eyes and try to sleep. It's after midnight. So I will say ciao for now 😊

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