Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This Is Just Amazing To Me

     I am on facebook and in a convo with a guy I knew from growing up. he's a little older than me but I know who he is. He posted a story about a young waitress from Hooters who was basically forced out of her job, because she had surgery to remove a brain mass A BRAIN MASS! She had to buzz cut her hair and when she did try to wear a wig it hurt because it was over the scar. The manager kept cutting her hours until she wasn't making enough to live on.   For those of you who are not familiar with hooters, this is the uniform the girls wear.
Very short shorts, usually very thin, with big boobs.  I have no problem with the uniform at all, but what I do have an issue with is that they are discriminating towards this woman because her hair is buzzed and there is a scar. Now you can argue the point, and I understand, no one wants to look at a scar while giving a food order. But is it fair to the girl? It wasn't like she chose to have surgery and look this way for a short time, she was operated on her brain!!!  Personally I will assume that its not oozing, or dripping blood (which would be a health violation anyway) and I would have no issue giving her my order. This guy says its not right ans that the restaurant could sak her as she would drive away customers. Would she? No where in the article does it say anyone complained, or walked out because of her. I think she has a fair lawsuit and I hope she wins. 
     I have not gotten jobs because I am fat, not in years though, but it makes me sad and more than a little angry when I was well suited for the position. I have worked with people in wheelchairs and those who have MS or palsy and their arms fold up , they are the coolest peeps at work sometimes.  I don't know, I get passionate about something and forget that others don't feel like I do. I've been discriminated against and to see someone else going through it (and for medical reasons to boot) just burns me up. I've always said that perhaps growing up chubby, then just fat, taught me to look past a person's outer looks when it comes down to things like this. Don't get me wrong, if David Beckham walked past me in shorts I would melt on the spot! LOL But even that, he's just one of the beautiful people that everyone agrees is good looking, but everyone has things that are beautiful. I know men who say they need to lose weight, or their hair is thinning but damn each of them is quite handsome just as they are. People can be so shallow and it makes me sad, I hope I am not nor come across that way. Because it is so NOT what I am about.    
     Whew  just had to get that off my chest peeps, I know I am a nutter but I like to think I'm a sensitive to others nutter. LOL   SO until later Ciao For Now

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