Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fat This And Fat That

    Look I am Fat, I'm also PHAT!! lol I went clothes shopping and I really need to say that the people in other countries who make the garments for us big gals must think we have the longest arms in the world, much akin to a gorilla trailing it's knuckles across the floor. With every size you go up the arms on the blouse or sweater get longer. Now yes, I know my arms are short anyway, and so for me it feels like I could make a pair of leg warmers sometimes with the extra arm length on the sweaters.  It's crazy and of course I pay up to 3x what the "normal" girls pay for their clothes because I have a 2 in my dress size, the FRONT number of course!! LOL I think I may have wore a size 2 when I was 3, hehehe  not really but you get my drift.  The big girl stores like Lane Bryant (I call it Lane Giant) have some nice things, as do Catherine's and Asos and Torrid but even though the later are well priced, one can easily spend $300, and come home with one bag. ACK!!! I dont have that kind of cash, so right now my clothes are a weird mix of too loose and too tight, and the few odd pieces newly bought that fit just right. I am the embodyment of the take of Goldilocks, except I'm not placed on the dining table....well ... hmmm... never mind ;-D   
     I am saving my money for my trip next year and also to buy some awesome clothes when I am there. I like the style and will make appearences in many hgh street stores and of course I have to go to Harrods, it's like going to New York, you must go to Macy's and Saks.  I will need to get some winter things so all I ask is wish me luck. Otherwise I will be walking around in my gorilla arm sweater trying to figure out how much I can roll the sleeve up with out looking like I'm wearing a kitten around each wrist!
    I want to look pretty, I want to feel sexy, and I want to find the perfect outfit that will accomplish this for under $200.
     Now onto shoes!! So of course my feet are not narrow bird feet. Seriously how could they be I'd fall over any time I tried to walk. I wear a wide foot, not extra wide, but just wide enough to cause issues with anything other than sneakers. And lets nit discuss boots, my calves have issues! Again not huge but still a bit too round to fint most sizes, even wide width.  I think the people who make the clothes get with the shoe makers and well I guess they think we look something akin to Gru from the movie "Despicable Me" (google it LOL)
     Well when I get my clothing I will let you all know, and yes this blog today was all about me, it's my blog, Im allowed once in a while ;-) Tomorrow I will write about other things. HEY an idea just came to mind,  why don't YOU ALL SEND ME THINGS YOU WANT TO SEE ME WRITE ABOUT?? That would be cool, and I would so do it!! So chew on that and send me ideas and until next time, Ciao For Now.

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