Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back On Track (Maybe)

     I say maybe as it's just been so crazed that I have no idea what will happen one day to the next.  Like I mentioned my car is in need of an oil change, state insoection and tire looked at. So I get there and find that they gave out all the loaner vehicles, even though I was promised one would be there for me. I was not a happy bunny as I had to leave my car with no way to get around. So he said they start coming back around 3 and we agreed that he would call me and I would go drop off my car then. So off I went to work. I  had stopped to get coffee as it was about 10:15 AM and I needed it!! lol  Spoke with a friend of mine who I hadn't really spoken too in weeks, more than I ever have gone before with not speaking to him. It was nice to chat, and I would have loved to stay on for an hour, but he was busy and since it was nothing important (other than friendly gab) we said ciao and I hope to speak with him again when he has more time.  His kids are great and I love hearing him tak about them. My frined in Maine does it too. What I mean is, you can actually hear not just love for their children coming through their voices, but also the pride they have in them. It's wonderful to hear, and the thing is they probably don't even realize it, it's just natural to them. I was a pest with a few friends today, as I felt like I was on speed, and just like when you are on it, sometime around 2:30 I crashed!!! I was in a meeting (which I'm sure didn't help) and I felt so tired, I was yawning and even felt light headed. Its gone now but I'm still yawning. Hubby is working late so I may just get him a Hero sandwich and go to sleep when I get home. 
     I want to be refreshed as tomorrow night I am driving. I will leave after work so I will get on the road around 9PM and I'm hoping to be home in NY around 1:30 in the morning. I am really looking forward to partying on "The Veranda" as its called with friends from long ago.  Bringing wine and nibbles. Plus I'm making a sugar free light cheesecake. I know it sounds horrid, but it's very good. Most everyone is watching their calories so it should work nicely. of course we all know that wine consumed on weekends have no calories  hehehe
    I am also hoping (very much) to Skype with my friend and his family from England, plus hoping to get to the vineyards also. Brunch with an old friend rounds out my weekend, he needs a friendly non partial ear I think. I feel bad for him. 
     I am also going to the gym in a day or so. My Dr. told me to wait for MRI results but I dont want to wait. I need to move it move it! LOL So perhaps gym in the morning then pick up my car, then work. Full day eh?  
     Okay now I know lots of you have missed some blogs and of course i dont expect you to read everyone you missed as some are just boring (like this one LOL) some though are interesting. Look for the longer ones as I obviously had some issue tio vent about - LOOK OUT!! hahaaha
Comments too, I love getting them, so you should be able to leave them now. I know a few months back there were issues but its all fixed.  Why do you read my blog, what do you think of it? I'd like your opinions please 
     So guys I will be back tomorrow and until then Ciao for now

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