Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Muse is Upon Me lol

Hey peeps, yep, just felt like putting pen to paper and myself in a situation in my mind and seeing what happens. Who is she? She is not unique yet its obvious she feels that way in her thoughts. What a wonderful feeling that must be :-)
So here are the thoughts in my head, is it current time, her in jeans and sneakers, or time gone by, wearing long dresses and empty fields in the distance?  I leave that up to you, all is subjective, as we each pull what we will from any writing. Good or (I hope not) bad! LOL   Well enjoy :-D

She sat on the porch, the wind blowing her hair,
a sense of the autumn to come was evident.
With this her thoughts drifted, as they often did,
to the chill that would soon fill the air. She welcomed it, as it brought the possibility of another meeting. She wrapped her arms around her knees, feeling in her mind his embrace.
She could smell his scent, and instantly she was arroused. No one knew her body as well as he did. He just seemed to know where to go to make her respond in unabashed delight.
It baffled her that he could read her so well, when to so many she was un readable.
She took pleasure in her memories of words spoken, dreams discussed, the feel of his skin that she wanted to devour.
His eyes though spoke volumes. She imagined the last time, when she looked into those eyes as they moved in rythmn together, then later that night with an even more primal urge. Her hands on his shoulders feeling their strength and control.
A smile appeared on her face as she lifted it to feel the breeze again.
Nothing would ever take these memories from her. She longed to build on them, the foundation of friendship, trust and caring growing layer upon layer. Memories that carress her, make her smile, make her laugh, make her thankful to know such a person. How soon again?  No idea; but she will wait, as anything worthwhile is worth waiting for. He will come again she imagined as the sweet autumn winds come, as with all things do when the time is right. Would it be in days, or months? It would happen when it should. To push for it to be sooner would only harm what nature puts in one's path. And like nature, there is no explanation of why it is,  just the enjoyment of being able to be oneself, no inhibitions, and to be at peace when all is said and done!

Yea I'm a nutter, we know this.  I can almost hear the theme from A Summer's Place in my head as I read this over. LMAO
Okay that's it for today, so until next time I say, Ciao For Now

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