Tuesday, August 13, 2013


     I have come to realize that I'm settling into a decent routine. I am trying to get to the gym as often as I can. I will be away from it for a week starting in a few days. Then I stArt my job, that will most likely start at 8 to 5 at least in the beginning. I can do one of two things. Go to the gym early at 5:30 shower there then go to work or I can change after work and go right to the gym. The latest I would work until is 6:30 so I could just go after work. I will try it both ways but not going is not an option. I bought new jeans in a smaller size and I liked that. If course I need to get them shortened by 4 inches tomorrow(And these were the petite length) LMAO
     I notice the little things. Like when I get behind my steering wheel I have space. The wheel turns back on its own accord. My rings slide down my finger. I have to get a ring guard as my engagement ring has fallen off several times. It's about the choices I make myself consider before I eat. Like yesterday. I had over 800 extra calories because I worked out. I came in way under as I was even under my daily calories.  Well as I was saying, I wanted a bagel with cream cheese. I'm such a New Yorker. Lol. I was on the way home from the gym and it was really on my mind. As I drive though I thought honestly with myself. I'm going away, good chance I may have one or two goodies. So did I really want that bagel. I was hungry but with coffee it would have been 457 calories. That was too many carbs and not enough protein. So I opted for steel cut oats. And with coffee my total was 205. Big difference. The oats were filling and I put a touch of peanut butter in them (don't judge lol) for protein. I felt as full as if I had had the bagel but less than half the calories. I have taken time to ask if I really wanted it. It's choices and it always  will be. It's life and it is enjoyable.
     I keep reminding myself of that. Life is fun, or at least  can be. Maine will be fun. Earning money again so that I can go overseas and have fun. Right now I'm not on a giggly mood. I have a lit to do today and I'm doing it on no sleep.  My spidy sense tells me I'm crashing early tonight.
     Well perps just a hello and hope all are well. Until next time. Ciao For Now

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