Tuesday, November 29, 2016

So Bring It On Life

As my last blog stated, I got a shock in the mail but, it is what it is right? All Good. LOL Moving on........

I was turned onto a new show on Netflix called Black Mirror. I had never heard of it and I find that its been on like 3 years already and let me tell you , it's bizarre BUT GOOD!! I'm really enjoying it and it says a lot with out saying much.  I know kind of how you all wish I would be LMAO  Ain't happening HA!!

So I was online and I found a group on line doing this keto diet, OMG all the fatty food they eat, I see then dropping so much weight but they eat like 3 eggs and 4 strips of bacon and full fat cheese and dairy. Granted there is no carbs in these and Crabs are like velcro with me but how are they losing?? I am on South Beach which is low carb and I've dropped 40 lbs, but part of me is tempted to try this. Funny thing is I'm not a huge bacon fan. I use olive oil , what little I use. I don't know. I know my cholesterol is low and I don't have to worry, NOW, but what about in the future. I can't figure how clogging arteries is good.  Its all so confusing. I'm getting impatient and that's the worse thing to be, that's when you start to make excuses. I wont do it, I will be strong. hey got through one of the biggest eating holidays of the year.  I had a low fat dessert using 2% ricotta cheese last night, (1/2 cup mixed with a scant teaspoon of dark cocoa powder and a packet of stevia) tasted really nice but looked unappetizing  LOL I enjoyed it though. I'm really not craving huge sweets or even carbs really.  Although pizza will forever be my kryptonite. But I can deal.

Just remeber:

Ciao for now

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