Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fucking Tired Of It!

     I tired of constantly walking uphill. Even good things have to get shadowed. Most recently my returning flight home from England. Instead of being able to zone out for hours I know have to change airports. Yep not non stop now. All because of cut backs during winter months. Yes I understand but couldn't they have chosen another flight? At least my lay over is at Kennedy Airport. One I know. Although I won't be able to leave. So I suppose I will just get drunk and the connecting flight is on Delta! Sir Richard I have a complaint. It's really stupid I know but I'm graciously told I won't have to pay any fee for the switch in flights. I so hope not. They canceled my flight. Another thing that is effecting me that I had no hand in. At least it's only another hour from NY to my final destination. {rolling eyes} I know pity party. But I'm tired of not sailing  my own boat!
      Another thing that really pissed me off happened last night. I was on Facebook (I know surprise!) anyway....a friend made mention that his kids wanted to watch his wedding video. Now thus friend and his wife also, had gastric bypass surgery. He lost over 200lbs I believe since then. So this other girl (who also had the surgery) commented on how fat everyone looked and thank heavens they are all skinny now and sexy. Mud look how much hair all the men had then. WHAT!  Superficial bitch! I was seething.  How dare she make a commenting that and I know it was just that she's petrified of being fat. It's not a bad word. Christ I wanted to scream at her. She had surgery and got to the weight she wanted and fast! I'm struggling every fucking day with a snails pace. It's been two years but I'm down from a size 30 dress to my latest purchase of 22!! I did thus on my own, with love and encouragement and I know my friends love me and I daresay may even think sexy. At every size even when I couldn't see it. She has no idea how cruel that cut me. She has not learned about nutrition or exercise. I've seen her chow downtime someone with an over achieving metabolism. I mean we know what's bad to eat but I'm not going to condemn anyone for being human. But she does and says this with no caring about anyone's feelings and that makes her a selfish bitch. Even the men weren't safe. Do they have list hair. Who the fuck cares?! I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. I don't like cruelty at all. I've been victim enough and I wang to smack her.  AAARRGGGHHHH!!!
      Oh well. Peeps. I'm headed back to prepare our dinner. The veg part anyway. I already cooked the chicken at 7this morning - was up early .
So until next time. Ciao For Now

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