Monday, February 25, 2013


     Well that got your attention! LOL  I feel like one as of late. I am a bit under the weather at the moment, nothing horrible, but I feel so unmotivated to do anything. I was on the phone with Unemployment this morning and they informed me that my old company has yet to send them paperwork that I am no longer working there. This has put a red flag up on my files so they are not sending me any payments yet. Good thing I have received my severance pay for now.   You know I always went from one job to the next, that was not the case on the last job I had. I was out of work almost a year before I had gotten it, and I had forgotten how much having a job, being able to be productive, to give my expertise to others, is so intertwined with your self worth, how you feel about yourself. One of my co-workers who was also made redundant when I was, just got a job, he started today. I am both thrilled for him and jealous that I didn't get a job so soon.
   Perhaps it's because I AM a bit thin skinned right now, but I came across a post in facebook that addresses the millions of women who have had a miscarriage. Correct that, the women and men, entire families this touches. I am a part of this, as most of you who have read my blogs know, along with the uterine cancer. I felt like I had betrayed my own self when it happened. I couldn't even do something so natural as have a baby, what was wrong with me!? It took some time to realize there was nothing wrong with me. I have had my moments over the years where I get teary or wistful of what may have been, but yesterday OMG I went full sobbing over this statue. It touched me that someone actually was able to put the way I've felt into a piece of beautiful art. I posted it and it was shared by several of my friends. I know that things happen for a reason and my personal experience was indeed, in later years, shown to prove that statement correct. But thank you to the sculptor who did this. Here is a photo of the statue: It's called “The Child Who Was Never Born” by Martin Hudáčeka located in Slovakia

The way the child is see through just got to me, I still am getting choked up looking at it. 
      The other thing that made me cry (being cheeky) was watching Seth MacFarlane hosting the 85th Oscars. LOL He was not very good, his material was weak and so was the presentation. He is wonderful in what he does though, he does Family Guy voices, he writes movies and does the voices there also, (watch Ted and Paul) but this was not a good outlet for him. He can sing too, I didn't know that :-) He also looks like Peter Brady grown up (cute) :-) The highlight for me though, was Adele singing Skyfall, I love her, she is a major crush for me, oh yeah!! She is so tall too, 5'9", never knew that. Having watched the BAFTAS last week on BBC America, both hubby and I agree they did it better. Come on America, step up!!
    Well for me that's my boring blog today, hope your day (or night) is great. Ciao For Now

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