Monday, February 11, 2013

Size Does Count (when counting calories)

     Well I got a friends request today on Facebook from someone I had never seen. So I went to his page to see if maybe he knows some one that I do, nope not the case. The odd thing is that he follows me. I didn't know you could follow someone who is not a famous person, but hey I can't blame the man right? LMAO Now onto what I really want to talk about.
     Oh friends, lets talk about weight scams, well not really scams, but misleading information. There is a new bar called Slimful. They have this girl telling you that if you feel hungry just eat one of these bars and drink a glass of water. You will eat less and feel full. Water will do that anyway. I looked up this bar and the first ingredient is corn syrup, then sugar. This bar is to help you feel full yet it has only 2 grams of fiber. Really?? These are not healthy.  And while I am on this topic, what has happened to the Sports bars or the Quaker Oat bars, etc. They are now filled with caramel & chocolate. Or Chocolate and peanut butter, WHAT THE HELL?? You might as well just eat a freakin' candy bar. I don't know what is happening in America. I think it's all planned by the food industry and the health industry combined. Think about it. You see all these videos and tapes and exercise machines to work off extra weight, that the fast food chains offer you.  Twofer deals and even restaurants are upping the "all you can eat" deals. So with all these fabulous food offers you eat yourself in to a coma and then one day you can't tie your shoes. I still believe velcro was invented by some fat guy who just couldn't reach to make a knot so he said fuck it, this just sticks to itself.  Then you have (and what many of my sneakers had) is the fat person bow. It's knot is off to the side since you tend to always put your leg up on the bed then reach over and make your bow. It looks kind of like this, see the knot is off to the side:
I am in no way making fun of this, or the folks who have their bows like this, as I said if you look at my Nike's you will find that same bow. Although I have gotten better at getting the knot in the middle. I call it Malcom BWAHAHAHA
     You know how it is for us larger ladies, lots of huffing and puffing, sweating and moaning, and that was just putting on my leotard! ;-D  I need to joke, as I often do feel like this when I am at the gym. I do sweat, come on, I'm moving a saucy, sexy body of substance. I am quite aware of how silly I must look, but no one notices, because none of them look their best either. That's the beauty of it, short, tall, thin, fat, we are all there to look silly and sweat like pigs. Problem is that some of these ladies are just doing it so they will be accepted by society, or friends or worse, their partners. I am doing it to be fit, I do not want to weigh what I did when I was 16, well actually in my case yes I do - HAHA, but you know what I mean. It makes me feel better being in an all women's gym as well, I still am self conscious of how I look while doing my routine. (Note to self,  NEVER touch anything you have no idea how to use) See yesterday's blog for explanation. If you see me in a bathing suit, undies only or nude, you know I trust you with my life. Not many have, of course Hubby has, but he signed a contract at the alter years ago. 
     I just want to say that it's hard, it's very hard and I tend to lose my sweet cherubic nature at times. It will be all worth it in the end, but I swear it is so easy to get waylayed. Especially when it's just not 20 or even 30 pounds. Triple that, yep 90 or a hundred pounds works. I do sit here some nights and just cry because I'm frustrated, then I give myself a mental slap to get over it, but I also give myself a mental hug. Yep I am definitely just MENTAL!! HAHAHAHAHAHA  
     Okay I've rambled on - WAKE UP!!!!  ;-D   I am going to have some tea, watch some Top Gear, then say night night. So as always,  Ciao For Now XX

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