Thursday, February 21, 2013

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Get $200

     Well here we are headed towards the witching hour. I always wondered why it was called that, as this witch loves her sleep. lol  
      If yesterday was the "horny" day, today was "rollercoaster" day. Emotions went up early on, then down, they really down, then leveled off. Morning was good but busy. Always a dash when I leave NY. Made Dad pancakes for breaky, all was well, but then a package I ordered for a friend finally showed up and he got very annoyed for some reason. Said why did I have it sent there. It was supposed to have been there prior to today, it's a gift for my friend, for her new Condo. Of course it gets out of hand and I leave upset. I don't like that. It's so hard to put in my head that he is not used to living with anyone anymore. having his fridge and pantry stocked with everyday staples, getting parcels delivered. I try to remember this but, it irks me some times, I can be faulted with getting annoyed myself, but I try never to raise my voice, he is my dad BUT I also resent being treated like my opinion doesn't matter. Which he does. When we talk to the neighbor and I say something profound, for lack of another word, he looks surprised. Come on dad, you spent that money to send me to a private prep school. It didn't just go in one ear out the other. My impulsive nature has a hard time being "low key" so we argued. Then a friend called which calmed me down as I started the drive home. I called dad and told him how I felt and that I don't like leaving on a bad note. He actually apologized, we are fine now, but I never want to leave that way. Heaven forbid something tragic happens, I don't want our last time to be an angry one. Bad enough I can say with 98% accuracy that when the time does come, I will not be there, which saddens me to tears.
     So good to bad, got worse. As I'm driving home, I stop for fuel for the car AND me. I got a hotdog. It was all beef, a Nathans hot dog. Was so long since I'd had one, it tasted extra good. Then I notice this creeper dude watching me eat it. It was such a seedy look he had on his face, I actually left the spot I was in to move to another. Freaky for sure! So I check my email and I got one from the job I had applied for. It said after looking at my resume, they were going to go another way. Wow my first rejection in the job search. It brought back memories from 5 years ago, and the feeling I felt at that moment reminded me of how badly it could hurt. I admit a few tears fell down my cheeks but quiet ones, a sadness that stayed with me the rest of the drive home. Then I went to go get our dinner. I preface this with my coat has a fluffy collar and cuffs, so I walk into the restaurant and this little boy sees me and yells out, It's fluffy! I smile at him and brush past to go to the bathroom. he reached out to my coat, his mother tells him no. I stop and ask if he want to touch my coat, he nods yes. So I hold my arm out and he "pets" the end of my sleeves, then start to giggle as only a small child can. I made me laugh. Bless this little guy, he made me feel better. I am fine now and know I will get something and that was the first in a possible many of rejections I will get. So deep breath and soldier on. All will right itself in the end. So here I am, hubby and cat are both snoring, I'm blogging, enjoying a cup of tea, and just so happy to be home with both of them. Good night peeps, until we meet again, I say Ciao For Now

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