Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Therefore By The Grace Of God Go I

     Well hubs got the news, he has 3 weeks left before he will need another job. Sigh...but we will get by, you do what you must.  But it got me thinking of those less fortunate.  Yes we are tight on money, we barely will make the bills. But we will do what must be done, but there are those who have nothing. We see them on the street, but do we really see them. They are people, they have families or had families. It may be a similar tale to ours,  but they weren't fortunate enough to keep the roof over their heads. We are fortunate. We have family and friends who love us and helped us.  Twice this evening hubs saw panhandlers. A woman asking for a few dollars and a man asking for donations to a very good cause. Hubs felt bad about the last one, the man from D.A.R.E. (Drug abuse resistance education) was very nice he said.  Hubs used to do work for them at the printing company he worked at years ago, the owner never charged them. The woman seemed sincere but how can you tell really? Yet if I had a few extra dollars I would have given her some of at least bought her some food. But I honestly didn't have one bit of cash on me.   I look at the ads for all the homeless children, animals and people out in the cold. I read about the abuse elderly people get in nursing homes. It's deplorable, and oh to have won that powerball.  The good that money would have done.  I always gave to The North Shore Animal League, and DAV (disabled American veterans)  I want to help.  There is no place nearby that has a physical place to help. I am thinking of volunteering at the county animal shelter, but right now my extra time would best be put to an extra job.  I'm getting in some OT this week which us a good thing.  NYC us my buffer, don't know what the next few months will bring but hopefully it's good.
     I never thought I would have this kind of struggle with money, but no one sees it coming. If you gave a good job, appreciate it.  A roof over your head, and friends and family to visit you, then smile and be very thankful.
     I still feel this Spring will be bring hood things. I don't know why, perhaps because I am seeing things in a better perspective, it just that I'm not going to host pity parties.  It's life, not always great but at least it keeps you on your toes. Dancing on my toes, oh how fucking awesome I'd be as a Ballerina.  Ha!! Pink tutu of course.  Maybe I'll dye my hair black, nah but perhaps a touch of pale pink? It's fun, why not?  I'm not old and yes, even though I'm not 20 anymore I can still have some flair.  But now it will take the form of stratigicaly placed strands of pale pink mixed with my blonde locks.   Oh I can't wait to run this past my hairdresser.  You think I'm daft right?  GOOD!!! I love tea so why not be a Mad Hatter once in a while?  This thought has me doing flippy flops inside.  I need to research to Pinterest I go....but first I must give cuddles to the cat. She just settled in next to me and is doing that kneading thing with her paws and fucking cute..Squeeeeeeee!!! I love her.  :-).    So ciao for now peeps.

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