Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Life is Weird

    If you had asked me years ago what life would have been like for me, I probably would have said, married, a few kids, house on Long island somewhere. But that is so not what happened. I ended up not being able to have kids and I live in Virginia. I'm working but hubs still is not, which has made for the most unbelievable stress I have ever felt in my life.  I wasn't this stressed when I was told I had cancer. I mean its ridiculous. I have gathered all my gold jewelry and am going through it to sell. I mean some items are not even a thought, like my Grandma's Alexandrite earrings and pendant from the 60's. I love it. An opal ring from my Mother is also off the table but all other gold including my anniversary band is fair game. I am just not sure where to go to sell these. I have a watch for sale on Ebay but I'm not sure of where to get the best prices. I've never done this before. I'm doing all I can and watching my credit score go down because of it. I will not kick a man when he is down, that's not me but I'm not opposed to giving a nudge. Ugh I know I will never be homeless as I will haul my cute big arse to NYC but it's the thought I have to that annoys me. I really try not to let it get to me, but friends can only help for so long, pay for your drinks or meals for so long and I HATE IT!! Once in a while sure, and i will do the same but when it's so once sided, well it's not fair to them. So as per usual I am spending most weekends reading.
     I was ill most of last week, oddly enough it was in my head and throat so yesterday was more of a sanity day more than a sick day. Im back today and actually feeling well (Knock Wood)
I am looking for work, mainly due to the fact that yes I need more money  LOL plus our company is splitting into two divisions. Government and private sector. No one is sure what is happening right now as my division served them both.  I'm hearing rumors that we are going to be split and put in separate groups but who knows. We may be moving to the 1st foor also. Its all up in the air and we won't know fully until October. It's all in upheaval and we get calls from employees asking what's up and I have to tell them we don't know. Great helpdesk huh?
    Eh life is crazy right now peeps. I'd be lying if i said i don't get depressed, I do. I have my days but you do what you have to, trudge on and work through things. Little by little. I have agreements with all the companies that want money, I'm trying to rob Peter to pay Paul . Leaving Peter enough to live on and enough that Paul is satisfied for now  LOL   And it's me, the girl who sucks at math but I'm a good juggler I suppose.
     I'm so looking forward to the Autumn Equinox. Time of change and hope fully more abundance. Just the crispness of the air revives me.  The changing colors on the leaves, the coolness of the weather. I love sweaters! lol  I come alive in the fall. I'm so looking forward to it

Oh peeps here's to better times  for me personally but for everyone. Its seems so many I know have hurt or confusion/ I just want all to be happy in life. So until next time, when our heroine will let you know how it went with her opening her femo clay she bought a year ago and finally makes her God and Goddess statues, I say Ciao For Now   lol

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