Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Look On The Bright Side Of Life

      Well peeps, I get home tonight and hubs tells me some not great news. Not to go into it and not to get too boring, I will just say that something we were counting on has a chance of not happening. This will put a lot of stress on us and for a little while. (Thank heavens for friends, and the beach and friends who are going with you to the beach 😀) The beach enhances my clarity, it soothes me and helps me think. Something about watching the waves.  Well I had to put on a brave face. I know hubs is feeling very shitty, as all this would have not been an issue if he had done certain things sooner. I know he regrets his tardiness and regrets the strain it's causing even and I type this. As for me, I am not going to taunt or say I told you so. It's really not how I am. Plus it would not help. Now is a time to be a team, working together to get answers. There are some possibilities we can explore. We've already started a few. I am trying to be strong and not buckle. My bridges might have to be postponed but I can deal with that. They still may happen, we shall see. Not important right now.
     On this track, I saw a video tonight. It was an ALS ice bucket challenge but no bucket and no ice. The young man who made it, has ALS. As does his mother. It was heartbreaking, I felt the tears on my cheeks. It put things in perspective. I've got some snags right now, but I'm basically healthy, fat, but healthy. Be an adult, square my shoulders, deep breath, and soldier on. In comparison to many, the world is my oyster.  So peeps, be well. I will say good night and as always, ciao for now.


  1. Smell of salt air and sand between your toes solves most......

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
