Sunday, February 5, 2017

Wow It's Been A Few Years (yes I'm letting go of anger lol, be warned)

     Since I've been proper, in need of a bucket,  sick. Yep, I despise it, and last night, (or early morning),  depending on your view, I had to run to the bathroom. It didn't even make me feel better. I just collapsed back into bed and finally fell asleep.  So it's almost noon on Sunday, I've had a cup of peppermint tea, with a sprinkle of Stevia, 1small piece of brown bread and a half pat of butter. A grand total of 72 calories. I don't think anything else will stay and moreover, NOTHING, sounds appealing.  I've been reading since about 9, yep it's a slug day.
     Yesterday I ran some errands and was amazed at how gorgeous the sky looked as the sun was setting. But people acting about as stupid as one can be, really got to me yesterday.  I'm at the drive through to get a cup of coffee, so the lady in front of me, driving her high end Merc, nails incredibly long, that she was clicking on her side mirror, was asking the voice on the speaker if they would give her a list of the pastries they had. REALLY!?  If you want to see, then go the fuck inside and look for yourself.  I didn't go in as I figured hey quick, plain tall Americano coffee. But no, it took forever, and if she had looked in that mirror she was clicking those nails on she would have seen me sneaking a turned up finger using the guise of rubbing my eye. Then after we both get our orders, I'm driving and someone decides that it would be interesting to make their right turn from the left lane. Barely missing my car. I came home and said to my hubs, I have way too much anger in me.  I mean at the end of the day, people will be people, I want to believe they don't do what they do to purposely make others angry, but I can only change my reactions to them.  Who knows, maybe I was purging some anger at 2:30am. Lol woke hubs up too.
     I don't know peeps, I've been losing weight and I've noticed that my hair is thinner. Ha that's funny! But I want my hair to stay fat you see.  I don't like it, and it's in the front. I spoke to my hairdresser about this, it's very possible I'm not getting enough nutrients, well not enough of certain ones.  She said I need more protein and even some carbs. I haven't had any carbs. So tonight I'm having a small sweet potato, and some plain baked chicken. Don't think I could handle much more at the moment. Hoping that sits well. I'm also due for blood work next month, and I'm going to look very closely at thyroid results. As this can also cause hair thinning. I know I sound vain, but I've always had a lot of good strong hair and to think that's changing upsets me. I'm going back to blonde as it will be a lot less noticeable. And I made a concoction of coconut, castor & Rosemary oils that I rub into my scalp and let sit for a few hours then was out.  I got a deluxe sample of an amino acid shampoo & conditioner from Kiehl's that is really nice.  So I'm hoping as I incorporate other foods back into my diet, that my hair will bounce back. As long as it's not medical. I'm just going to have to accept what is. If I can't fight it, I need to handle it.  I've gotten more into my meditation, well I'm trying too. But stress can cause the hair thinning too. Plus it's not a bad thing to do, I mean, the company I work for is merging with HPE and after tax time is over, I'm getting the feeling we will all be sacked.  I'm truthfully not stressing about that, not really, Que Sera Sera. I'm just doing more to keep a sense of calm and balance in my life. Do they have Yoga for fat people?
     So there is my life at the moment. Nothing really majorly wrong. Just the everyday annoyances we all have. It's very minut in comparison to a few I know. I'm trying to be a better me for me but also so I can be a better me for them!
We shall see if I can stay calm, oh and there's also the Valium....wait....what!?  LMAO (wink wink)
Ciao For Now

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