Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day

This is a day of mixed feelings for me. When I was young I loved it, Im half irish (dad's side) so I celebrated my Celtic heritage -  I still am drawn to it but now I also follow the old ways. The nature based Celtic religion, call it Wicca, call it Witch , call it pagan. I find it comforting and I personally do not like organized religion.  (sorry tangent)
But ST.Patrick drove the "snakes" out of ireland.  Um they don't have snakes per say. They were referring to the Druids. This makes me angry.  Preach your religion but don't demand I follow it. So for me today is a celebration of my heritage and not necessarily St.Patrick.  Oddly enough my Dad's dad was born on this day as was my Sis' mom.  So thats good reason to celebrate the day

So I wish you all Luck, and Love and something good to drink and eat.

So what does an Irish lass as herself eat for lunch on St. Paddy's day? Why sushi of course HEHE
Today it is Unagi (eel)with avocado and a trade with a co worker for a few shrimp with avocado :-)
There were leftovers,  so I gave them to my co-worker to finish, he got another 5 pieces of mine  lol

So Ciao for now peeps, until next time

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