Sunday, June 22, 2014

Weekend Round Up

    So we meet again on Sunday night, the weekend now behind us. Not quite what I originally expected. I was quite upset on Friday night. Felt invisible in a situation. Not going into detail, some of you know. Thank you for the kind ear listening to me vent. That and a 15oz rum and coke made me feel better. So come the Solstice. It arrived at 6:51am eastern time. Longest Day of the year. I woke up at 6am on my own. My body must have sensed the changes. The energy around us. I did my working, asked for things, gave thanks for other things. Remembered someone who left this earth. (Too many as of late) So by half 8 I was riding high on energy that got me thinking I needed a new affirmation.  Hubs is not a fan of ink but I wanted kanji. The one I got was the Japanese word for "to believe" as in to believe in yourself.  Perfect for this day. I call the place near me, no answer yet. They open at noon. So I get there about half past and ask if anyone can do this for me. Well behold the person I wanted was able to do this as she had a cancelation. Perfect! So I get this done. It looks so dark. I mean it will mellow and fade a bit as all black ink does but next to my other ink it really stands out. Looks a bit odd I will admit.  One of my friends said she liked it but it didn't fit me. I appreciate her honesty and I will admit it looks a bit uneven since the color is so dark and my other one is lighter ( it's almost 2 years old).  Well as all ink should it means something to me. I'm sure lots of folks are surprised as my usual suspect to haven't even commented. Lmao.  I am still looking forward to my next big piece. It's with be a witchy owl, moon thingy. Drawn by a fabulous artist. I am on a 2 year waiting list for her. It's worth it though, she does amazing work. Her Persephone & Hades is stellar! No outlines, looks like a painting.  I can't wait. Won't be cheap I know. But well done ink is not cheap. I'm hoping my friend will draw me another piece. He did one already, and maybe if he has an idea, he can draw this one and she can ink it for me, adding here and there. But NOT changing his artwork. He's very talented and truth is his young daughter is following suit. She draws well and in time, I'm sure will be fab.
      So my day was spent getting ink and grocery shopping at a farmers market, and window shopping for perfume. I'm running low, I need more scent. Lol
      Today was chill except that I watched the World Cup. This game will make me bonkers. I am seriously getting very hooked. I have things I need to look up. Like why do they draw that line on the ground to keep the players behind. Is it really needed? Can't they stay lined up?  Also when do they decide when to have the player kick from the side? I think I was told this but I don't remember. And why does it seem that sometimes the ball goes one place and it's in, but another time it's out?  I'm sure I will find my answers 😀
      Tonight was also the start of True Blood, in it's final season, I can say it's getting odder and odder. Lmao
So that's my boring weekend. Oh another co-worker next to me said that when I talk on my cell at work can I leave my desk, as she has a hard time hearing the people on the phone. I almost laughed. She is so loud and anyone I talk to always comments on this. But okay, I can do this. Oy vey. Hehehe
      So peeps I'll end there and as always Ciao For Now.

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