Friday, February 22, 2019

Me and my thoughts

This is often a scary time, my mind wanders and if you know me there's no telling where it will go.  It's now 11pm and I've been in the living room and alone since 8. Dad always goes to bed at about 7:45 and hubs went into the bedroom to read about 8:15, so it's been my and HGTV for a few hours. I also have my phone so I surf too. Cat came out to join me, but she's asleep and not in a talking mood. Lol
So I'm just looking around the apartment just thinking of little odds n ends I want to get .Not need to get, as I've got my basics. This weekend I'll be hanging some pics I got. 
Tonight Dad asked me to tuck him in when he went to bed, hmm this is new. So I did and he's all I love you, so I reassured him, we love him too and he's safe and doesn't have anything to be afraid of.
A picture of him from just 4 years ago, he was living on his own and had a lady friend. Time moves on.
So today I cut all my nails off, super short claws now. I gave myself a manicure with hot coconut oil on my cuticles. I am doing the home pampering, hell I gave the time  😃
I'm not feeling great, it's ongoing now for a few weeks, underlying grunge. Hubby had it and it's going back and forth. I'm not as bad as he got though. Slight fever for me but he had a really high one for a few days. I also had a flu shot so who knows.
You know I had more to write about but all of a sudden I'm tired . So I'm heading to bed. Ciao for now and muah

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