Wednesday, June 8, 2016

He Got 6 Months!!!

    I am sad, and angry, and frustrated at the judicial system at this time.  That little shit who raped that UNCONSCIOUS young woman at Stamford University got only 6 months. The judge said it may be detrimental for him to spend any more time in jail. WHAT!!  This judge is crazy, I know he was paid off , he had to be, because if he believed what he is saying he is certifiable. This poor woman is now scarred for life, she is putting it past her and moving on she says and I applaud her and I know she has the best thoughts and hopes and I hope this all gets locked into the deepest part of her mind where she can then move forward, because 10, 20 , 30 years from now something will happen and its going to flood back and cripple her. She will relive the event and the pain will be real yet again.  This is what happens when you get raped, yet the POS guy Brock Turner, who shows no remorse btw, is getting off with a slap on the wrist.  His father wants people to go lenient on him as his young life shouldn't be ruined for "20 minutes of action"  WHAT THE FUCK?? What about this woman's young life? His son is a criminal plain and simple, he deserves no special treatment, yet he is a young white male in a very affluent area and money talks. DAMN SAD!!! I bless the 2 men from Sweden who by happenstance were riding by and saw what was going on and stopped it.
    People have fantasies about things like this and whatever gets ya going, I'm not a vanilla person myself, but I know the difference, I have to know!! I feel for this woman, my heart goes out to her. I know karma is going to come to Brock but the fact that a criminal is going to jail for 6 months (probably get out in 2) just makes my blood boil.

I'm done, I'm outta here, I'm pissed off  Ciao for now peeps

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