Thursday, April 7, 2016

whoot whoot

I see some of my gal pals tomorrow  - no clue what we are doing but I'm just looking forward to seeing them, and then the next weekend I am in NYC. Get to see Sis and some other good friends.  of course my dad too. I just wish I didn't have to drive it, that I could just think it and whoosh I'd be there. How cool would that be.  

Thanks for the indulgence the other night, I'm better, but I sometimes have weak moments. I'm human.   Not many blogs lately I know as there are not a lot of things going on. Keep an eye out, I'll get my mojo back on soon and some more misspelled, amusing blogs coming your way.  I've had a few really good ones in the very recent past so catch up if you need to   LMAO

Ciao For Now 

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