Wednesday, April 13, 2016

So Its Finally A Sunny Day

    Okay as the song says, I can see clearly now the rain is gone.   I love that song. I see clearly and even though I'm not loving the immediate view there are lots of things I do enjoy.  These are the ones that I am trying so hard to focus on.  Thank heavens for Sis. we had a great chat the other night. we were going to have lunch on Friday along with my friend from maine who happens to be in NY also but both fell through.  hanging with Ed (daddy) on Friday night, I promised him a movie on TV night. Then Saturday is the play and out friends birthday.  Going to see if Sis wants to go have brunch on Sunday.  Thinking if heading into Manhattan to lplay around and she needs a ride in so I figured i'd suggest it.
     been a very hard time as of late but I'll get through it, always do and in the end it will all pay off I'm sure.  Hubs has some good feelers out and I'm very hopeful. I've also revampd my resume and and I sent it out to a few places a while back but now this reworked one is much better and I'm hoping I can get someplace also.  
     I'm hoping  that Spring will finally arrive LOL This weather is very chilly at night and gets warmer during the day.  I'm actually thinking that the second half of this year will be great. Fingers crossed.
    So here's to good things happening, good friends and good times   Ciao For now


  1. I can see clearly now Lorraine has gone ... she kept standing in front of the TV. In fact I can hear my stereo too ... Big Ass that one !
