Wednesday, April 20, 2016

So Where to Start?

     Well lets start with NYC, always a good thing.  Arrived about midnight Thursday(Friday  depending on your view) , dad was up as always waiting for me. Had a chat and then I went to sleep.  Woke up early as the birds in Queens decide to start singing at half 3 and 3 hours later were in full chirp mode.  I had the window wide open as it was a glorious sunny morning starting.  Took a shower and by the time dad woke up it was bright sunlight.  Day full of possibilities.  Plans with Sis fell through as well as the ones with my friend from Maine so I did some chores around the house.
I ended up at the beach, I really needed to see the ocean. Something about the water and the sound of the waves.  I was there for a while. Left and went to get groceries as I was making some meatballs and, what I call Sunday gravy. You know it as spaghetti sauce. LOL
     Saturday Sis and I went to a murder mystery play.  It was good to see my friend acting again and he was one of the better performers. Cheesy little play but cute enough, had a few laughs. Was good to see other friends too. A lovely couple and of course the wife (and my friend) of my friend in the show.  We the audience had to write down who we thought did the murders and why and I won funniest conclusion. It was a 25 dollar gift card for fandango.  YAY
It was my friends birthday too, but they were beat so we didn't so anything after the show. Didn't help that his Aunt had passed away and they were headed out to the wake the next day.  Sis and I took the Manhattan way home, I loved going through the city, its got an energy and asshole drivers of course  LOL
    Sunday I was at home most of the day and went over to visit our neighbors. They are so cool, love them to bits. Then cooked the rest of the late afternoon,   I did have a bagel one day for lunch, with a SF french vanilla iced coffee. This place makes cubes with coffee so as the ice melts it doesn't dilute the beverage.  Monday was the drive back.  Wasn't bad and the weather this trip was awesome!!
    So I had a surprise at work on Tuesday.  My paycheck never posted to my bank on Friday,  And I go to check on Tuesday and someone changed my banking details. This worries me as only I have my password. Its not like the account had wrong information it was an ENTIRELY different bank. It was Bank One (Chase) and I don't use them.  I haven't had a Chase account since the early 90's when I worked for Arizona Ice teas.  Changed it all back and sent my manager a screen shot and she is going ot see why this happened. A new check is being cut for me today, but you can bet I will be watching very closely end of every week at my information in the system. I just changed my passwords too. No Idea!
    And this brings you all up to date, thrills I know.  LOL   Ciao For Now peeps

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