Thursday, April 28, 2016

Rainy Evenings

     It's been a fucked up day. Maybe it has something to do with the rain.  I enjoy the rain. I like the sound it makes on the roof. It's a calming steady sound. I find in the dark, that often my breathing will start to match the drops. Weird right? Thunderstorms are a totally different animal. I love the energy levels of them. It is so totally the opposite effect. Lol. Getting back to work, it's like there was a weird vibe. I also started to go through my email archives in my old lotus notes account. I ran into a bunch of old emails that brought up some odd feelings. They made me get emotional and smiley at the same time.  Hubs has some interviews next week, hope something comes through soon.
     Hey I have a question for peeps that wear glasses.  I'm finding that on my face, where the bottom of the lenses are, my face is in need of extra moisture. So I'm laying on the coconut oil big time. Just wondering if any of you have that issue?
      I need a haircut badly and I want to do something different. I'm going to go on Pinterest to look for ideas and will post some pics and I'd love your opinions. I mean that.  So look for it.
      Going to have some tea then bed methinks so ciao for now.

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