Sunday, July 23, 2017

Huzzah Huzzah!!!

     I GOT A JOB!! I am so happy. It took almost 4 months but last time it took over 10 so I'm ahead by 6 LOL.  Its time for some uber positive changes. I have been going through closets and I found my Adidas pink stripe shelltops. I thought they were lost but no, somehow they got shoved into the back of the closet. I didnt do it and I know the cat didn't do it. I'm not even going to mention it though, long past the time frame and why start a squabble. I washed them and they look good as new.  Yay  But I'm also going through clothes. All my winter stuff is too big, so I will be donating that. Job timing is great since I will need some new things. AND another yay is that it is business casual, same as my last job. I have dresses but I was thinking I would need to purchase more or at least a few skirts.  But I'm fine with what I have for now. WHEW!!!
    Heading to Dads in NYC, want to spend some time with him before I start work. Going to leave early so I can spend the entire day plus a few more with him.
     Trip was so swift and enjoyable. Leaving at 3am will do that.  I saw a beautiful sunrise and even New Jersey looked good at that moment. Brought him some bagels as a surprise.
     I did wander over to Amazons website and picked up a shelving unit.  It was very inexpensive but the reviews are good. So it will be shipped here tomorrow and guess what ill be doing then. I'll take a few snaps when they are assembled. I should probably take a video of my trying to assemble them. THAT will be funny HAHAHA
I also really dyed my hair red again' my hairdresser will give me highlights and a much needed haircut. When I get home to VA, I'll trim my bangs at least.  Lol forward
I am home in VA, it's now past midnight and we are into Sunday. I should be asleep as it has been a very long day. Got up early at dads, did a load of laundry and did a light cleaning in the kitchen. Counters and microwave. Ooh boy did it need it. Dad doesn't really cook, but he uses that microwave.  Lol
     So yes I cleaned my bedroom and put up the shelving unit. The room looks so good. I was able to uncluttered the desk and it made a huge difference. I wish I could take a pic but my phone died. Oh I was so upset Thursday night. I was on the computer with tech chat for an hour trying to bypass, reboot and more trying to get it to work.  But no, so my replacement phone should be arriving Monday.   Hubs bless him was going to switch my SIM card with his do I can use his phone but we'd have to reconfigure his phone. I told him, don't as I can go another few days.
Oh yes, just to let you all know, the shelves I bought, were the easiest in the world to assemble. It took me longer to get the box open. Hahaha
     I loved seeing my dad, but he's sliding down, he said the house is getting to him. It's a lot for him. He tries but he doesn't have the strength in his hands like he used to. I felt a deep pang in my heart when we discussed this. For him to mention it, it means it's very real. One thing for us to discuss, what will be within the next year. Of course he can live with us here in VA. That's a given, but we need to talk more when this starts to really be thought about. Next few months maybe. He is so excited I'm going to be working, he made me promise to call him Monday night to tell him all about it. Of course I will :-D
     Tomorrow, er later today I need to get a few bits. I need a lunch bag to bring my food. I need to cook and prepare my food for packing in said lunch bag.  I had noticed the office has a nice size kitchen, stocked with coffe, tea, microwave and fridge. Good good. I'm looking forward to this as it is customer service but one I've never done. I will be speaking with doctors offices and patients about test results or adding different tests to a requisition already placed. So it's lots of medical terminology, which is fine with me.  People all seemed great and when I went for my interview I had noticed a pink beach cruiser bicycle , you know the ones with the comfy seats and larger wider tires just sitting in the corner. No one knew who it belonged to as it's always just " been there"!  How could I not work there, I may have to take it around the office once or twice lmao.
     Yes I know I'm jumping all around in this blog, do keep up.
     I really should go to sleep, but my thoughts and the cold brew coffee I drank tonight won't let me.
I'm going to try though, although my cat has settled in bed between my pillows and hubs' pillows and I don't want to wake her. I know, she's a cat! But she looks so cute. Lol.  Okay kitty, I'm going to try and get comfy.   And with that I say ciao for now

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