Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Yes, I'm Still Here

     I don't write nearly as many blogs as I used to, just trying to get a grip on life at the moment.  Life really is a series of events , of small things, held together by the occasional big thing.  It's very easy to write about the big events in ones life. The markers of sorts we'll call them. Birthdays, anniversaries, births or deaths. Theses happen daily in the world and are expected. But the better "big things" are those things we plan for. Like buying a new car, or going on vacation. Then there are surprises, kindnesses shown to us by others.  All mentioned can be written about quite easily, and I have :-D
     What's harder is the daily day to day stuff, the thoughts, the dreams, the struggles. They come across, more times that not, as trivial. Defiantly not reading material. Yet I've written about these also. My mind races with thoughts and ideas that sound great in my head, yet I often find difficult to convey in my blog. I see all theses awesome blogs, fashion, make-up, cooking, etc. and I find myself amazed at how put together each one is. It's not the fractured hodgepodge that mine often are.  It's like that shabby chic cottage look. It's lovely, chintz, and distressed wrought iron, usually in bright yet softened colors. The rooms are filled with mismatched sofas and tables, lamps and textiles. Yet the room looks perfectly cozy and inviting.  Now, if I tried this, my room would look like a year of nothing more than hoarding, or at best, a cute junkyard of "stuff".  The everyday thoughts are tough to get down. Example, my days right now are basically the same. I wake up when hubby alarm goes off. We chat and cuddle awhile before he gets ready for work. ( he gets to hear all my mundane ramblings first thing, oh boy!) then he leaves, I go through job applications, shower then off to run errands, come home clean, then off to more errands or just for a drive as I need to see something other than these walls.  A friends laughed, saying that every time we video chat, I'm in my car or a parking lot.  I'm on the go, but never seem to get anywhere.   Mundane can be very boring to those looking in. It does have a comfort about it though. That's the beauty of the little things, the day to day. The bring small spots of happiness.  Like that first sip of tea or coffee in the morning. Or smelling the onions cooking in the pan, knowing dinner will be yummy.  The little things, like finally getting your closet in order. Or putting in your earbuds at night before you sleep to listen to some music. Or the sound of rain on your roof, while your cozy inside. It's these little things that make up your life. We need to appreciate them as much as the big things. And not worry that you're not going to be voted best emotional blog of 2017.
     I do dream though, I've got snippets of thoughts and phrases written down that one day, I believe, will be a kick ass poem, I'm talking fucking amazeballs poem!
My little things right now are concentrating on finding a job, losing more weight, and just trying to be a good person.  That last one I feel I'm good at.  But when something big happens peeps, I'll be sure to write about it. I promise ya that.   So until next time, ciao for now.

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