Hi and hope everyone had a fabulous New Year, sick here but finally feeling better and should be back up to speed in a few days.
Okay I know one main resolution of everyone is to lose weight. yes make that resolution, while drinking mass quantities of alcohol and not truly think this true. I myself and getting a bit frustrated, actually pissed off at every other commercial, nay every commercial about losing weight. Jenny Craig here, Nutra System there, add a pinch of Weight Watchers and there you have it. LOOK I know what to do, I have been doing it, and I am not dumb. No surprise I like a full figured form and looking at the before and afters of some of these people I would say they looked better before the weight loss. If Marie Osmond and Janet Jackson tell us to do it we will do it. All I can say is BAA BAA, yes sheep being lured into promises that they are not ready to put some effort into.
Let me tell you this losing weight and getting fit shit is not easy. It sucks many days and you have to really plan things so being lazy really does not come into play. No easy pills or drinks that will work unless you change your moves. I have gone and moved and yea it hurts it hurts like hell sometimes but I plan on pushing myself in 2012. Now I will say right now my friggin knee is not playing nice and I'm gettin frustrated. I have been sick for about 5 days so instead of the gym tomorrow i will go to the doctor to get a physical. Clean start, new start and full check up. Who knows something may be lurking that I dont know about. I mean nothing bad is in me as I've had lots of blood work but she will test my sugar too and I'm curious as to the results. I will NOT let my fatigue win and the more I move the less fatigue there will be. See not stupid, but on occasion i am lazy in some areas. I will let you know what the doc finds out.
Oh I plan on some new clothes and my manager and another lady at work are giving me their old clothes as they lose and I am sending mine to JoAnn so its like a clothes swap and I love the idea, last week one gal had these fabulous boots on and I told her I'll by them when they get too big on her, LOL Hey save a little where you can as big girl clothes are expensive. Most of my tastes are actually , oh my dears if I had the money I would dress like the most gorgeous high end plus size model, classic lines paired with funky accents. i drool over many things I see and then there is scent. I found a new one , be careful guys. It's called Bond #9 and i have only seen it at Saks 5th Avenue but the scents are amazing, many are unisex which is cool too. Ah there go my beer pockets calling to my champagne tastes LOL
Well all I just wanted to check in and say hello and it's back to work tomorrow - oh joy! Actually I'm looking forward to it, I am more disciplined during the week and I bought my eggs and veggies for the week. So until our next meeting I say as always, ciao for now
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