I going to the gym in the morning and man I need new gym clothes, I look like the poor 5th cousin removed but at least there are no holes in the clothes LOL
Nothing lse for today except that I got a new handbag, a new Coach as that's my brand of choice. Not for the name but for the quality, they last!! This one is black as the black one i have is way too big. I will not get rid of it as it was a gift but will use it when I go away as more of a toiletries, cosmetics and sundries type of bag. This one is also a Christmas gioft from the hubs,an unexpected one but I was looking at a sale ad and mentioned it and he told me to order it. I was shocked a bit but very grateful. I also take very good care of them and alwasy store them in their bags and in the closet so I'm a good girl with that LOL Here's a pic hehehehe
It's the most vibrant purple inside too, looks really pretty. I know I'm such a girl sometimes!! LOL I'm very lucky for all the things I have.
I am also lucky to have so many of you reading this blog from so many places, today I welcome people from Russia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, UK, Latvia and the good ole US of A! There have been others also. I am floored at how many of you take the time to read these. Thank you so much. Now start asking me stuff okay? LOL you can do it with out signing it too I would love to know who reads me :-D So until next time Ciao for now
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